Christian Bishops and the Marxists: Partners in Social Crime

via HK Correspondent published on December 20, 2006

The Christian Churches, the Bishops and the Marxist party are the most privileged groups in Kerala. They own largest plantations, businesses, media, television stations, tourist homes and institutions for entertainment. Their corporations rake in cores of rupees profit yearly.


Many Christian groups-such as Catholics, Marthoma, CSI, Jacobites, Orthodox, and Salvation Army—formed relatively tight communal identification, such as friendships, business dealings and political conventions are typically to protect and promote their vested political and business interests. Furthermore, different Christian groups might be rivals or opponents especially in theological matters, yet they are united politically against Hindus. They exert their political power and coerce the government to protect their selfish economic interests. The Christian group operate through the explicit mobilization of local churches, associations, and the press in favor of (or against) definite political goals.


The most dramatic case is the construction of a huge commercial building by the Palai Catholic Bishop. The Palai Bishop has completed the construction of a huge building adjacent to the Palai Church near Valeapatty Road without the prior approval of the City Corporation. Municipal Building Code clearly stipulates that prior approval is required for construction of buildings within the city limits. In this case, Palai Bishop ignored all codes, rules and regulations in a defiant manner. In spite of the refusal of the Chief Town Planner to issue a certificate for construction, the Palai Bishop constructed the building for commercial purposes. The opposition leader Cheriyan C Kappan opposed the issuance of a building occupancy Certificate for the building constructed without prior approval. Strangely, the Marxist Party supported the Bishop’s illegal construction.


Instead of enacting common civil laws, and actively working for structural reforms that would reduce the monopoly business practices of the Church, Marxists are in collusion with the Church groups against the universalistic progressive values of the majority Hindus. The Marxist government is furiously dismissive of those who seek to promote social justice, fairness and civil laws.                                                                             


Why the Marxist government has aligned with the Bishops against the people of Kerala?  Why the Marxist Party who claims to put the lives of the poor above all other considerations and who is prepared to take a principled stand decided to support Bishops? There are several possible explanations. The Marxist government has succumbed to Church pressure and the corporate ideology associated with it. Marxist government’s enthusiasm for Church protectionism in the form of special rights and privileges is for political reasons. It is also clear that the Marxist government tend to cull together against the majority Hindus. Government policy in kerala has often been a matter of brokerage between Christian/Muslim elites at the expense of everyone else.


The Marxists and the Church believe in utilitarian morality. Both are willing to impose their selfish moral codes through force. They are together to violate civil laws and government regulations at their convenience. They are sufficiently powerful to impose their will, standards and oppose politicians who are unwilling to endorse their whimsical business interests and immoral values. The Christian Churches and the Marxists are not interested in the search for salvation of the masses. They are together in favor of profitable business and property. The Bishops Conference has vigorously promulgated the idea that the Kingdom of Jesus can be built in Kerala by rubber plantations, commercial buildings and through profitable businesses.


The polarities that shaped Communist policies in Kerala during the 50’s and 60’s have largely faded. There is a correlation between the Marxists and the Church. The Church reports Marxist affiliation more often in public. The ethical sense or mode of moral reasoning which operated in the Communist party to distinguish teleological from deontological approaches to political judgment is gone for ever. Both the Marxists and the Churches are committed to protect their vested interests and business profits. Both are now partners in social crimes and public looting. Both oppose government regulations and rules they find unacceptable and also any reformulation of rules of the government in order to maximize their business interests and options. The Marxists and the Churches are partners in social injustice and crimes of convenience.

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