China’s No.1 Enemy is Hinduism

via Krishnadaya published on June 25, 2008

‘s  Life-air is it’s “Dharmic” (righteous) Vedic Culture .  Selfless Rishis have mercifully blessed this land with the sacred “way of living” .

Mahatmas of this era  like Swamy Vivekanandan and Arbindo have warned “Any  destruction of Vedic Culture  will  definitely result in India’s annihilation  ” .

Chinese Agenda Against India

Since long , China is targeting all  it’s “Guns” at  India … direct war of 1962 is ruthlessly followed by an unrelenting  proxy-war ( using Pakistan and Maoist mercenaries ) . Nuclear and missile capabilities of Pakistan are basically provided by  China or it’s Agencies.  


is also well aware that , India’s Life-air is  “Vedic Culture” . And therefore has taken political measures  to “Slow-poison” it  through trusted Indian-Communists .

Target Justifies the Means

The China-addicted Communists follow a practical and proactive  approach ; And never misses an opportunity to hit the Vedic Culture  at the weakest spot . They proactively involve in public debates upto the point where they have an  advantage . And never fails to kill the “Vedic-baby” in the womb itself , wherever possible …… as exemplified below :

  • When the Govt. of India , proposed to establish a


    in Kerala , the Communist monarch E.M.S. Nambootirippadu opposed it fiercely stating

    ” No University required for the so called “Sanskrit” the  DEAD LANGUAGE  


knew well that if people get an opportunity to learn Sanskrit and
associated divine literature , his bottomless Communist-ideology will
get buried  ) .

  • When the  Marine Archaeological expedition of the National Institute of Oceanography, led by Dr. S.R. Rao, discovered the  submerged Dwaraka-kingdom of Sree Krishna , the Communists used their political influence to abandon  that expedition immediately .
  • When NASA’s satellites photographed  Lord Rama’s  “Rama-Sethu” , the Communist – Researchers of JNU rubbished it

    “Lord Rama never existed and therefore the question of  His bridge  does not arise . It is another Bridge ” .
  • Although Communists rubbish Hindu Temples as fake , they have always  planted  their hard core Comrades as Devaswom Chairmen and Directors to destroy the Temples from within . Recently,  the Communist Politicians and their Devaswom-Comrades openly joined hands with all other  anti-TempleMAFIAS ( including the  “Cultural-Icons” under their payroll) to agitate under the banner  “Guruvayoor Sathyagraha – 2” .  It was to “AMEND” the sacred “Kshetra-Acharas” ( Life-air traditions of Temple) .


This  abusive tirade was led by Sukumar Azhikkode who claims proudly  that he never ever goes to any Temple. Recently,  he has confessed to have had received many expensive gifts from tainted Muslim Tycoons ) .

Falsification of Sacred Vedic Texts .

It is well known that the Communists have a hidden agenda to poison the fertile brains of innocent  School Children . Previously,  the School texts used to contain several  beautiful portions from  renowned Epics like “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana” . The Children were learning about pure“Indian Culture & Ethics ”  from those texts . The Mafia  of  Communist- Educationalists systematically falsified  these portions with naked  “Blasphemy “( Which hail the evil Ravana,  Duryodhana  , Dussasana, Sakuni, etc  as great Heroes . And condemn Rama, Lakshmana, Krishna , Arjuna , Dharmaputra , etc as Cheats ) .

Latest Controversy , the Poisonous new Text Books .

This year , the Communist Govt. in Kerala used their confident Educationalist- Comrades to compose new  “Atheistic Text Books”  , for selected standards as a trail experiment .

The Social Studies Text of 7th Standard  , contains the following Lesson  :

The Headmaster offers seats to  the Parents who have come with their son to seek school admission . And he starts filling the application form :

” What is your name , Son ? 

” Jeevan ” .

” Good . Nice name . Father’s Name ? “

” Anwar Rasheed .”

“Mother’s Name ? “

Lakshmi Devi .

Headmaster raises his face and looks at the  Parents ; And asked :

“Which Religion to be mentioned for the boy “.

“Nothing to be added . Write NO RELIGION ” .

“Caste ? “

“That too not needed “

Leaning back on his chair , Headmaster asked a little seriously :

“After  growing up , if he feels like having a Religion ? 

“When he thinks so , let him select the Religion of his choice “.

( Note :

The Writer-Comrade hits the target :

  1. Using the most sacred name

    “Lakshmi Devi ”

    to depict the female character who abandoned her Vedic faith to marry  a Muslim .  )
  2. Religion is unncecessary to the Child until he grows up .

    ` Brahmacharya-Asrama” the Vedic way of Student life ??

     . Don’t talk nonsense !!!! ` . 

Doubt : In a related public debate on the above , a humble Devotee
asked a simple doubt to a “Proactive and Hardhitting Speaker” Comrade :

Could you give one example wherein any one  Hindu-born Communist Top Leader  has ever married his daughter to a Muslim ???


Alas !!! . No answer at all . Murmuring  , the


made a hasty exit . For your information

:  All the top Communist  leaders
like E.M.S , Nayanar , Achutanandan , Pinarayi ,etc, etc have all
married their Sons and Daughters to Persons from own Religion itself
!!! Marriage to Muslims is for Common Hindus  !!! Own Blood is thicker than any Ideology !!!! .


Jawaharlal Nehru

A portion from Jawaharlal Nehru’s “death-will “:

wish to declare that , after my death I don’t want to have any type of
religious ritual . I don’t believe in any such ritual . Undergoing such
a ritual even as a formality is hypocrysy and an effort to intimidate
ourselves and others . “


During his womanizing  days in Power , the Publicity conscious Nehru  thundered many such “QUOTES” , despite using  Brahminic-surname  “Panditji”to extract respect .

However,  after being cruelly humiliated by his friendly CHINA in the 1962 war , Nehru has made a “U” turn . While lying  bedridden  with that “shameful” disease ,  Nehruji retrieved his “VEDIC FAITH” ; and took shelter in Bhagavad Gita . And died keeping GITA under his pillow .  And of course,  his “SrAdham” (Post-death rituals)   were performed strictly according to VEDIC RELIGION . ) .


Communists are power-hungry opportunists . For instance , the Communist TV Channels are daily “blowing out of proportion” with inflammatory commentaries ,   the  visuals of “Babri Majid destruction , Gujarat riots and Orissa Missionary Attacks ” . This  to extract Political Mileage from  Communal Hatred  . 

Communists blindly  reject anything Vedic as “Sangh Parivar Agenda” .  They rubbish all sacred Vedic Scriptures as “Adultery  by Brahmins”.  Communist Literary-Mafia  always quote from the atheistic Budhism as ” True Dogmas of Sanatana  Dharma” .

Such evil efforts are to tarnish the sacred “Vedic Scriptures” and to convert the Vedic followers to



It is the sacred duty of every Vedic follower to fight against this sinful “Adharma” .  We must try our level best to create better  awareness among our “Vedic brothers” .

May Bhagavan Sree Krishna bless us all in our endeavors to save Vedic Faith !!!


Namo Narayanaya !!!!

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