Change Jihadi Mind and Save our World

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on April 28, 2010

The world has suffered enormous devastation from Islam for centuries. Several ancient civilizations have perished. More than 100 million non Muslims were slaughtered. And it still continues. Since 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Center, Mohammedans  have carried out 15,101 deadly terrorist attacks in the name of Islam and killed more than 75,000 innocent people.
Muslims can make horrible crimes, run amok, destroy lives, disturb social peace and commit deadly terrorism in the name of their god. Are we supposed to look the other way and let Jihadis do whatever they freely choose to do in the name of  Jihad ?
Islam must be reformed and Muslims must be forced to freedom from Jihadi shackles and it can be done only if freedom loving, peace craving people can act with insight and power.  We have to force Jihadis to sing “Let Freedom Ring”. We have to ensure that Muslims don’t have the choice to ignore our call.

Now let us be real. Making freedom a priority in closed Islamic societies can be a scary idea. Muslims ask: what right do infidels have to teach us absolute values? The question is bogus and we are justified in clamping down or even forcing them to freedom. We have to use force to teach them to fill their heads so full of true freedom that they must know there is no other way. Muslims will say, “We are following our god’s directives. But god does not make us follow this irrational and dangerous road to death.  We should not allow Muslims in the business of enslaving infidels or eliminating Kafirs to continue their deadly game in 21st century.

Today Muslims are not free. We have to liberate Muslims into freedom. Jihadis are not exercising real freedom when they behead an innocent kafir under Islamic spell. We need to force Jihadis to act and exercise responsible freedom. Muslims are ignorant of true freedom. They are guilty of Islamic “Bad Faith”.

How can we allow a Muslim to alienate himself from real freedom and commit deviant acts in the name of his distorted sense of freedom? . Jihadis are doing incalculable harm, death and destruction to infidels by deceit. Jihadis do act under impulse pretending that they are exercising their freedom to please their god. It is a pretext to avoid responsibilities for their cruel deeds. It is monumental moral turpitude and brutality.
If we are ever to understand with the seeming irrational and dangerous behavior of Jihadis, we must first come to term with the cognitive process of jihadis and the manner in which these processes enter into their deviant behavior. We must understand . Jihadi’s illogic and addictive thinking. We must also understand how to spot Islamic resistance to change from addictive Islamic thinking. We have to expose them to their own self-defeating logic, and use the evidence in liberating Muslims from their irrational belief system.

How to force Muslims to freedom? We need to create boundaries for Muslims living in democratic countries. Let them know in unmistakable term that “if you can do everything but this”. We need to create a thick wall around them inside of which freedom can flourish.

Jihadi misbehavior is complex and they must be faced directly to save the free world.   Democratic societies must compel Muslims to learn in schools about the results of their bad choices under the pretext of freedom. Muslims frequently say that they are exercising their religious freedom. They may strongly resist the notion that Islam must be revised or reformed. Muslims consider 6th Century dogma as a perfect and perfected religion and it requires no revision or transformation.

Liberal politicians and lay public (bogus secularists) may weigh the desirability of such forced re-education. Marxist Academicians, phony intellectuals and bogus human rights activists may enter   into heated debates over relative effectiveness of such programs. Their arguments and rationalizations should not obscure the menace of . Jihadi  terrorism. The cowardly media and Islamic apologists have no idea as to what they are dealing with. Muslims want world dominance and put all infidels as dhimmis paying Jasiya (Islamic Tax) as well as introduce medival, out dated and dangerous Islamic Sharia law.

Jihadis show symptoms of anti social behavior, social pathology and criminal thinking necessitating intervention. Blaming infidels is a traditional Islamic game to draw attention away from their criminal thinking and anti social behavior. It is a common diversionary technique.

Democratic countries must offer a choice to Muslim immigrants-either undergo compulsory reeducation or stay in your own Islamic prison. Muslims must be offered the opportunity to enter a reeducation program that they may not want. We have to force them to liberate from their mental shackles. The government must observe and control their activities for an extended period of time. Such legal coercion is essential for the common good.

The attractiveness of such an approach is that it seems to liberate Muslims from criminal thinking and protect our life, limb and liberty. The assumption is valid since there is an inherent virtue in forcing Muslims to freedom. It would be wrong to assume that involuntary re-education of Muslims in any way denigrate the value of freedom. This will preclude the Jihadi criminals from pleading freedom as justification for terrorism.

Democratic countries must enact laws to criminalize hate preaching in the name of Islam. Nations must regulate Islamic Madrasas and insist on what Mullahs can and cannot preach. And the school system must ban hate filled verses.  Peace loving nations must grant freedom to preach Islam provided that the Koran remove  negative mentions of infidels.

All peace loving citizens of the world must voice their support for hate crime laws.  Hate Crime laws are necessary to provide penalties for Islamic hate preaching. Hate crime laws must be used to lay the legal framework to investigate, detain and  persecute Muslims whose actions are based upon and reflect the hate spreading passages of the Koran.
 Islamic nations should not be allowed to fund conversion of criminals in correctional Institutions. Laws must be enacted to prevent Islamic conversion of correctional inmates, Love Jihad, Cyber Jihad or construction of Mosques for preaching . Jihadi  hatred.

The free word has joined together to defeat fascism, Nazism, and Communism. The communists and Nazis had killed more than 60 million people. Islamists have killed more than 100 million innocent people and the killing spree still continues. Democratic nations must act together to make Muslims to freedom and coerce them to act creatively to the sublime dimensions of human thought. It will be a burden for freedom loving people. But . Jihad must be defeated for world peace at any cost.
Whatever we do, we are forcing Muslims for transformation; and enable them to move away from the closed, controlled . Jihadi  paradigm.

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