Catholics begin to feel the pinch of truth

via HK Correspondent published on January 22, 2007

A catholic website ( ) seems to show that the community in Kerala has suddenly woken up from a deep slumber to realise that more than the majority Hindu population its their brother in arms the Muslims who are opposing their activities eye for an eye.

The Muslims, they claim have now begun showing their intolerance behaviour. This is quite odd because the Hindus have been reacting against this for over 100 years now! However true they maybe some of the utterances like, “The New Testament is not the teachings of Jesus and it is something else written after centuries after his death”, is bringing the Christians to a new ball game. A game they had played so well since the British first landed in Bharat.

The site states its vision to raise awareness of the Muslim intolerance against the Christians especially in Kerala. It says a deep rooted conspiracy is on to destroy the healthy equations that has prevailed between the Christians and the Muslims. The American ‘War against terrorism’ is slowly being portrayed as a war between Christians and Muslims.

The site also talks of the terrorist spreading its tentacles in the campus. This obviously is threat to the Christians who run most of the educational institutions. The Christians basic idea of conversion through coercion is threatened when the fundamentalist organisations have infiltrated the DYFI and SFI and have started students unions like Campus Front in many colleges. With active work from these organisations it’s possible that the Church’s hidden agendas will come out in the open.

The warning bells have begun ringing in the Church. The site is a very clear pointer that certain power groups in the Church have started feeling panicky.

Quote from

In Kerala, Muslims accounts for 24.7 percent of the population, fairly a good figure to be in harmony with other communities without insecurity feeling of being a minority community. The hyper sensitiveness about their religion and the unrest exhibiting by certain groups regarding irrelevant issues were treated only as an action of a minority community from their insecurity feeling. But certain activities of some Muslim organizations had forced us to think in the other way. Such hypersensitivity is not due the insecurity, but only because of their intolerance to other communities in Kerala.

We are well aware of the consequences of such activities in our Educational Institutions and we feel it is better to create awareness about this activity in its true sense to our people to maintain the long existing socio-economic equations here.

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