Campaign to Loot the Hindu Temple- The Anti-Hindu Fires the First Salvo

published on July 7, 2011

N. Ram’s Paper prepares the case for Secular pilferage and pillage


Already a’ Secular’ State is running temples and taking away 90% of collections to spend on non-Hindu causes and even fund madrasas and churches by way of 1000 of crores.On top of this whatever wealth found is also denied to Hinduism. The so called atheists are selective saying the temple treasure must be taken by govt, but won’t say this about Church buildings and lands gifted by British government or by sultans in the past. That is secularism, a selective anti-Hinduism. My heart burns when I see this injustice to Santana dharma by Falsehood’s apostles called secularists- a modern day Asuras.Foreign funds to the tune of 1000s of crores come to convert Hindus from Evangelical groups, Saudi and Iranian governments.

On the other hand whatever Hindu devotees offer as well as what was gifted by the Kings in history are plundered and pillaged by a self styled ‘Secular State’. It’s an utter parody on the term Secularism which dictionary says is separation of state from Religion and church, and they will teach us their own new definition which is Falsehood!

In that dictionary that exists in sick minds if you find the word Hindu then it means a Fool I think!
First publishes the experts’ explosion of the circulated myths about ‘peoples’ wealth’ for secular state and anti-Hindu groups to lay claim I had anticipated a sustained campaign by seculars till they build a case for its Loot. We must turn pro-active on this issue to avoid that.
Now Ram’s commie pamphleteering attempts to build a case for Secular loot and pilferage of the Hindu Religious wealth selectively.

In the latest Campaign building the Hindu had simply put a search enquiry of Travancore history in The Hindu archives –

And comes with its own archive news as though its ‘meticulous investigative Journalism
And a scoop. To show the Treasury had been used once historically. The Travancore State then was the Care taker of the legal Person That is Deity Padmanabha Swami.

So argument of Secular State doing the same now, showing this past usage of Treasure as a
Precedent is misplaced legally. The Temple Board now is the Legal Person and not either the now defunct and acceded Travancore State or Secular State of Indian Union.

No Drought or need for Public Works by a Secular State will thus justify even if it occurs to touch it. This also emphasised by the Supreme Court’s legal status quo. There too Leftist and anti-Hindus will enter into a legal battle and we must form at once a Legal Defence Team on behalf of the Deity, Devout and concerned Hindus with an eminent Legal Team.

First let us read the carefully interpolated interview given by a ICHRC historian to The Hindu’s R. Madhavan Nair It begins-

While there is no bar on spending the treasure found in Sree Padmanabhaswami Temple for public welfare, only the temple authorities, including the erstwhile Maharaja of Travancore, is competent to decide how it should be spent, according to the former Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research, M.G.S. Narayanan.While there is no bar on spending the treasure found in Sree Padmanabhaswami Temple for public welfare, is their own insertion!
Let us read between the lines the entire report-

Speaking to The Hindu on Tuesday, Dr. Narayanan welcomed Kerala Chief Minister Oomen Chandy’s statement that the treasure belonged to the temple. He said Mr. Chandy deserved appreciation for foiling attempts by certain vested interests to create confusion in the minds of people about the ownership of the treasure.
Claims being made by self-styled experts and historians were not based on documentary evidence. They were coloured by political and communal bias, he said.
There was documentary evidence to prove that the treasure belonged to the temple. The Travancore Manual, prepared by Nagamayyah in the early 20{+t} {+h} century, made it clear that the temple administration was under the management of “ettara yogam” (a group of eight-and-half persons), and this was interpreted by many historians to mean eight Brahmins and a member of the Travancore royal family.
Dr. Narayanan read out passages from the manual, which said the temple enjoyed annual revenue of Rs.75, 000, and it was independent of the government. The manual also indicated that the temple coffers contained huge quantities of money, gold and precious stones, being “offerings of ages.”
“There can be no doubt about the ownership of the temple and its wealth. Only the temple authorities, including the former Maharajah of Travancore, can decide how its money could be spent,” he said, according to documents studied by scholars.
However, Dr. Narayanan conceded that the instrument of accession governing Travancore’s integration with the Indian Union was not examined to find out if there was anything relevant to this issue. He felt that unlike several temples from where huge caches of gold and other valuable were plundered, the valuables kept in the vaults of Sree Padmanabhaswami Temple and a few other temples in other parts of the State remained beyond the reach of invaders because they could not get past the Western Ghats. Another reason was that no one, including the king, dared to steal temple property those days since it was widely considered a heinous sin.
Dr. Narayanan believed that the treasure must be offerings from devotees as well as from the king himself. Besides his usual offerings to the deity, the king also made offerings to atone for the grabbing of the valuables by his army from less powerful kings and their wealthy subjects in neighbouring places during armed invasions that were not unusual those days.
However, he said, it would not be correct to contend that since the temple wealth included valuables seized during conquests, it should be treated as “people’s money.” This was because all valuables, including those from the king, became temple property once they were offered to it.
Rubbishing the claim that the treasure should be brought under the purview of the Indian Treasure Trove Act, Dr. Narayanan said only unclaimed valuables came under its ambit. “The valuables belonged to the temple, which is a private property of which its deity is the legal entity. Its authorised trustees who manage its affairs are the competent authority to decide how its wealth should be spent.

 So the Travancore State then was the Care taker of the legal Person that is Deity Padmanabha Swami.
This argument of Secular State doing the same now, showing this as a precedent is misplaced legally.
The Temple Board now is the entitled Legal Person.
Not both defunct acceded Travancore State and Secular State of Indian Union.
 No Drought will thus justify even if it occurs to touch it.
This also already emphasised on SC status quo.
Our counter therefore will startle this blatant aggression by bogus secularists-

Going by the rhetoric of Peoples’ wealth-

The Muslim Princely Treasury that will then be asked now by State abrogating all Accession Clauses with Muslim States such as JK and Hyderabad and Pataodi. The Christian Church is the largest holder of Real estate in India. Most of these lands were concession granted and gifted by the Colonial Government.

If Padmanabha Swami Wealth must be sought, then all Church lands must also be brought into that reckoning and redistributed to the poor and needy landless proletariat.
You will see how they will back out if we realise Hyderabad Princely Treasury and Muslim Princely States will be dragged into same line of argument and controversy.

Also note below in this latest of The Hindu’s Report we find –

“Indeed, how such vast amounts of wealth and innumerable artefacts accumulated in the vaults, and remained safe without apparent pilferage for such a long period, remains a puzzle.”

 No puzzle- just shows the honesty, integrity and wisdom and commitment to Deity and Hindu Dharma of Royal clans versus anti-Hinduism of Secular Indian State and its Netas and Babus of HRCE.

VHP must honour the Royalty and its family heirs for this and the Board.

We can use the occasion with Counter Demand of Muslim Princely Purses and Treasury given back- which will take out their vigour and pursuit.
I have anticipated a sustained campaign by seculars till they build a case for its Loot. We must turn pro-active on this issue to avoid that.

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