Breaking the wall of denial

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on August 2, 2009

The only thing permanent in Life is mortality. Upon realizing that death is inevitable people typically respond in one of the two completely different ways. One common response is “I am going to do something, so I’d better get moving”. Few others respond “If I am going to die, what is the use of doing anything?”

Several Hindu friends have asked “Why you worry about coercive religious conversion, Islamic terrorism, subversive activities of Missionaries, psychological warfare of phony secularists, and media manipulation: These agents behind these acts are mortals and will die one day”. Such reaction and attitude towards mortality often leads to denial, apathy, indifference, inaction and tolerance for intolerance. Under the current Hindu social turmoil, such cognitive structure needs rational analysis.

For People who respond positively on death and dying and respond actively, life has value despite the fact that death is inevitable.  They make positive contributions to life and make life worthwhile. We all face disease, hardship, social and personal crisis and death. We all know that our good life, tide and time will not last. We know we have limited time on this planet. I am reminded of two bumper stickers on the car of a woman and a professor. It reads “So many men, so little time”, “so many books, and so little time”.

The inevitability of death should not preclude us from doing what is required.  The awareness of death should not act as a negative motivation for inaction, denial, apathy and indifference. The awareness of death and the multitude of crisis we face must heighten our awareness of the values of time we have available to identify and correct problems we face. Our life is sacred and too valuable to sit idle and become passive.

There are many who are in deep denial, pessimistic and apathetic view that there is no meaning in doing anything to eradicate evil and face head on destructive practices of deviant and miscreant agents hostile to our life. “We are all going to die, so what is the use of anything?” For them, “Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifies nothing” (Macbeth 5.5. Shakespeare). For those people who are in deep denial, or the pessimists, everything is meaninglessness.

Such pessimistic social cognition of Hindus requires complex and multidisciplinary analysis and explicit discourse. Such negative behavior and indifference presuppose a sophisticated philosophy and psychology supporting such social cognition. Our phony secular politicians, alienated academicians, media and other elites play an important role in sustaining such pessimism, indifference, denial and cognitive disorder. They are the ones who controls or have access to many types of public discourse and maintaining denial, and persuasively formulating pessimistic philosophy on life.

How do we confront those Hindus who say mortality makes life meaningless and it is worthless fighting social oppression, discrimination and deceptive religious conversion and jihadi terrorism? One secular political leader once asked me “Why should you judge things as good or bad, positive or negative?” Such questions are meaningless. If we are indifferent and hide behind a thick wall of denial and ignore evil around us, then no values would be possible. This is part of face-keeping or positive self-presentation of bogus politicians and these are part of the overall strategy of their oppression management and denial system. They want to avoid hard realities of our life and avoid negative evaluation of oppressive agents.

Denial, escapism and apathy come in many forms, each with its own cognitive, emotional, social, political and social functions. Such bogus secular politicians are damned scared and refuse to face the hard challenges facing our society and by hiding behind the wall of denial, they want to insulate themselves as best they can from the social messes created by our hostile elements. The continued pattern of such thinking leads to –destructive behaviors including denial, apathy, indifference and passivism. Then the thinking-errors of such bogus leaders and phony secularists become thinking patterns and the stage is set of continual, habitual destructive behavior of Jihadis and subversive agents.

It has been a common knowledge that Indian secular politicians relinquish their loyalty to reality and hide behind a thick wall of denial.  The chronic denial syndrome, apathy, indifference and pessimism disguised by self-destructive behavior are quite similar to Alcoholism except the phony politicians ruin themselves not by drinking but by their inexpedient conduct. Their perverse personality and approval addiction appear in their decision making and policy formulation hostile to Hindus. Their hidden goal is to insult, demean, discriminate and oppress the majority Hindus who keep India together as a nation. As a result, the majority Hindus often fall victims to successive disasters, with an uncanny, sometimes almost incredible regularity.

Hindus need to unite, regain strength, and break the thick wall of denial and force phony secular addicts recover from appeasement addiction and lend an effective hand to Hindu organizations fighting the malignancy of destructive impulse and faulty thought system of the psychopath politicians. The state-of-mind of passive Hindus today cant’ seems to understand the seriousness of crisis that engulfs them.  As a result, the common approaches and measures to break the wall of denial are weak, meek or wrong. Most are definitely based on unimaginative thinking and psychological fantasy.

To break the thick wall of denial, apathy, and cognitive disorder, we need strong, effective strategies and action plan more in tune with the current realities. We need more down-to-earth, more able to create positive trends to understand the nature of our disorder and the mindset of our tormentors.

Only fighting Hindus can re-claim our liberty, our values, spiritual tradition, our community and the nation. And we need to protect our religion, tradition, our society and the nation from the evil doers. Recently Hindus have achieved so much and our distracters have been defeated. That apparently is not enough. The powerful political establishment wants Hindus to continue in their passivity, denial, apathy and indifference so the barbarians can continue their onslaught on Hindus.
The only way to improve our situation and break the wall of denial is to admit the reality and to outsmart these deviant barbarians. We should remember that cultural progress is possible only if we can fight against horrors that threaten our existence. With our commitment, conviction and determination to confront the wall of denial, a reenergized Hindus can and will challenge the oppressors whenever and wherever they are found.  Then our life will be worth living.  The moral has to be that we should not be trapped and paralyzed in the negative philosophy of life or passivism. Hindus can both survive and thrive. We need true freedom and peace. And true peace and freedom comes from a prolonged struggle without any displays of weakness.  This is where we must pick up once again and challenge pessimism and denial.

Each and every Hindu must join together and support assertive Hindu organizations and any amount of support one can provide to such organizations will provide satisfactory solution to our problems. And then, after one has done it, we can overcome our denial to face facts.

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