Blue mosque and Babri building

via GSK Menon published on November 27, 2009

So much of ruckus is being made of the Babri structure. Every political party is vying with each other to bend backwards and please the Muslims without caring to ascertain the truth and the history.

There is no doubt that prior to this so called Babri structure there was a temple on that site. Babur the foreign invader has himself gone on record that he destroyed the Ram temple and built this so called mosque on the ruins of that temple. There is only one legal question to be answered – Can a looter steal another’s property, destroy it, build a structure there and claim ownership of that ? The answer is a clear NO. Next, just because a stolen property is in the hands of the usurper and those of his followers, does it convey on them any ownership rights. The legal answer is again a NO. What does it matter if the property in the hands of the stealer is destroyed by other people ? It is of no consequence.

Babar had no rights over the Ram temple, he conquered it and destroyed it in the course of History, similarly what has happenned now is in the course of History, the next set of conquerors have demolished the building built by Babar. Who is Liberhan to question History ? He should have first decided Babar’s rights and legitimacy to destroy another’s property. It is immaterial as to whether the offence took place a few centuries back or in 1994. Time is immaterial in History.

Go to the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. On the ruins of a destroyed Church, the Muslims have built the Blue Mosque. Wherever these Muslims go it is the same story, destroy and construct a mosque over it. Same thing has happenned at Ram temple.

A team led by Liberhan and the UPA anti-Hindus should be sent to see the Blue Mosque and arbitrate as to whether it should be restored to the Christians or not ? In other words decide whether you want Christian votes or Muslim votes. The Psuedo-secular buffoons will have to do a real tight rope walking.

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