Big B heaps praise on Shadow Warrior – Rajeev Srinivasan

published on January 21, 2011

Emperor of Bollywood Shri Amithabh Bhachan heaps praises on Rajeev Srinivasn’s article on ‘Alternative Journalism’ through his blog ( )

Not only he agrees with Rajeev Srinivasan’s assessment on India’s bogus media and the rise of Alternative Media through blogs, Twitter and other Social network but also he notes that he found the article Interesting, valid and well researched.

( Read the article here – )

Rajeev Srinivasan – The Shadow Warrior from Kerala – Rajeev Srinivasan is Rajeev Srinivasan is an engineer and manager by training, and a
polemicist by inclination.
He was educated at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Syracuse
University and at Stanford Business School. He considers San Francisco and Kerala his
two homes.

Most of the issues he frequents are about threats to Hinduism’s and/or India’s interests, including:

Islamism and Islamic extremist terrorism
The rise of Chinese power and influence
Christian missionary activity and conversions
Minority appeasement politics in India
Leftist politics in India
Apparent Western bias against and insensitivity towards Indian interests
The Aryan Invasion theory of Hinduism’s appearance in India

He has an active blog, titled “Shadow Warrior”. Some of the major blogosphere issues he has been instrumental in covering include the California textbook controversy over Hindu history and Shekhar Gupta’s “Hindu fanatic bombers” slip-up.

Rajeev’s Blog –
Rajeev’s old blog –

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