Beware of Destructive Soft Jihadis

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on July 25, 2010

How can a soft Jihadi who misdiagnoses the social disease effectively suggest a remedy? we listen to soft Jihadis, many of them are hard core hidden Jihadis with a mask. They are propagating Jihadism at the expense of gullible infidels. Soft Jihadis are telling us what we want to hear. And more often than not, soft Jihadis do not want to address Islamic reality.
To understand hidden agendas of soft Jihadis we need a renewed sense of social responsibility. What we really need is to reexamine our pacifism, tolerance of intolerance and carefully observe soft Jihadis hidden agendas. Everywhere we turn today, we are bombarded by pseudo secularist, Marxist liberals, and soft Jihadis with slogans that exhort us to keep an open mind and not be judgmental. In the middle of all this soft Jihadi muddle  is an attitude that prevents any discussion of Jihadi terrorism and evil promoted in the name of Islam. In the real sense, soft Jihadis are engaged in mind manipulation to make us zombies.
To move, let alone root out the dead weight of Jihadism, we need an intellectual assault on the political Islamic dogma paraded as religion. Pure Islam promoted by soft Jihadis is against democracy, secularism and freedom of the will. These are essential in a democratic society to make a choice. Soft and hard Jihadis cannot make a choice. Islam forbids choice, freedom of thinking, coexistence with infidels,  and all inclusive thought system. In this new world soft and hardcore Jihadis must make a choice between right and wrong, good and evil.
After years of aggressive war, looting, plundering and invasion of non Islamic countries by fanatic Islamists, soft Jihadis are still carrying the dysfunctional, destructive dominant Islamic values.
Jihadis are anchored in their destructive, sixth century wrong Islamic values. Choice and selection of positive values is a fearful burden for Jihadis. They cannot overcome their limitation since they are permanently imprisoned in Islamic prison serving life term.  jihadis often appearing to cling tenaciously to a dysfunctional dogma  that is dangerous.  They, perhaps by provocative means, instigate death and destruction of kafirs.  The subtlety consists in the deftness with which soft jihadis manipulate the system and  capitalize upon it, all deliberately of course.                                                                                                                                                   
In this context, citizens living in democratic countries have a choice to make to save our life and liberty. we have to force Jihadis to freedom.

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