Attack on BJP office: Media play hide and seek

via HK Correspondent published on December 9, 2005

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The attack on the state head quarters of the BJP office hereon Thursday by some anti-social elements is part of an attempt to discredit the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and other Sangh outfits, according to political observers. “No Swayamsevaks will try to do such a heinous act,” said Mr Ramesh, a technocrat in the city, who is a keen observer of the Sangh activities for the last quarter of a century. “I was told by some of the Swayamsevaks who reached the Mararji Bhavan immediately after hearing the news that the attackers were from the Veli and Thumpa areas in the city suburbs,” Ramesh told Haindava Keralam. He drew the attention of HK to the fact that the Kerala media is always against the Sangh Parivar. “Haven’t you seen for yourself the good works done by RSS and other parivar outfits during the Tsunami attacks? Did any media report about it?,” asked Ramesh. He said the Thursday attack was yet another attempt by the media in the state to discredit the Hindu organisations.


There are many questions which remain unanswered by the media even 24 hours after the attack on the BJP office. “Who are the RSS workers or leaders who informed the media that the BJP office was going to be attacked? We do not want to interfere in the professional freedom of the media reporters. If the people who informed them that the BJP office is going to be attacked by the RSS activists, let them furnish the names of the so called activists. We will take action against them,” Ramesh said.


Ravikumar, the RSS District Leader, asserts time and again that there was no RSS workers or activists who trespassed into the BJP office. “It is like shooting and scooting. You just cry from roof tops that RSS workers unleashed a reign of terror at the BJP office. After the initial euphoria, it will be total silence,” Ravikumar told HK. This reminds one of the attack on the Patoor church in the capital city. “The secular brigade, especially Veliyam Bhargavan and his mentor Pinarayi Vijayan cried at the top of their voice that it was the handiwork of RSS. When a Christian was arrested by the police for the attack, the Commies went underground. Bhargavan would not open his mouth  for days together,” said Ramesh.  


The ‘secularists’ and communalists are worried over the fact that the Sangh is going from strength to strength daily. They want to discredit the Sangh to disrupt and destroy the growth,” said Madhu, a senior pracharak of the Sangh.  


It may be noted that Shahina, a CPM card holding member and correspondent of Asianet, reported the other day that some top BJP leaders met secretly at the residence of O Rajagopal to plot a plan of action against P P Mukundan. But when O Rajagopal pointed out the hollowness of such a news item, Asianet’s editor K P Mohanan (who is wanted by the Kuwait government for charges of money swindling) came running to the former’s residence and fell at his feet for broadcasting the wrong news. Asianet even backtracked from the earlier version reported by ‘comrade’ Shahina.


It has become a routine practice for the CPM controlled media in the Kerala to throw mud at the Sangh. Though one can understand  the policy of CPM mouthpiece Kairali and Muslim League’s  India Vision for their aggressive stand against BJP and RSS, the Asianet finds itself in a ridiculous position thanks to K P Mohanan who is on the run from the clutches of the Justice Ministry  of the Kuwait government.  

Mohanan is at the mercy of the Congress and the CPM, who are the major constituents of the ruling coalition at the centre. If the CPM desires so, Mohanan could be handed over to the Kuwait government. Mohanan has been sentenced to undergo eight years rigorous imprisonment by the First Instance Court in Kuwait on the charges of cheating the Indian School Management. So he has to be in the good books of the CPM and the Congress for survival. It is to impress the CPM and Congress leaders that Mohanan resorts to the RSS bashing.                         

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