Asianet warns Reality show contestants – Never make fun of Minorities

via HK published on May 14, 2011

Asianet has been always in the forefront in abusing Hinduism through it’s various programmes like Kannadi, Idea Star Singer, various comedy shows and never ending serials. Even never ending bhakthi serials are full of concocted stories aimed at abusing the Hinduism.

But today in one of it’s programme ‘Vodafone Comedy Stars’ the reputed judges were quick to warn the contestants that never ever dare to make fun of Minorities as it may hurt them and according to Jagadeesh, Film actor and Congress sympathiser – It is a big risk to themselves and their channel if such groups were ridiculed.

In one of Reality Show segment of comedy stars the contestants – who always got used ito ridiculing Hindu symbols for a change took Pentacost Christians and their faith healing through irritating prayers as their theme. The person who was in coma got up from unconscious state after listening to the irritating prayers of the pentacost gang and from coma she sprang up and slapped the pastor . All the judges were so shocked to see this and warned them not to do it again. Tini Tom another judge told that this warning is for rest of the others also that not to take up such issues which will hurt them. Manju Pillai another judge couldn’t digest the fact that why such negative messages about innocent Pentacosts are taken up by the team.

This is the same programme where Oracles, Hindu poojaris, Our customs and traditions, Hindu swamis and spiritual leaders were being continuously used to ridicule Hindus.

Tail Piece Watch this Video on a Pentacost Pastors Real Speech and decide for yourself whether one should Slap them or Shoot them.

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