Asianet hurts Ayappa devotees

published on October 8, 2006

Following is one of the few mails which we received regarding a discussion program ‘Nammal Thammil’ aired by Asianet aimed to denigrate and humiliate the Traditions and Practices of Hindus in the state.



This was the email I send to Asianet.Would appreciate if a organisation like this (HaindavaKeralam) can take up this issue . Before I furnish my opinion let me tell me tell you that I am neither a fanatic, critic nor a politician. I am a viewer of Asianet Programme “Nammal Thammil” hosted by Mr.Sreekantan Nair.I would like to express my greatest dissent and protest over the topic discussed in this programme on “Permitting Woman to enter the the sacred pilgrimage Sabarimala “.Choosing this topic for discussion itself was a grave insult to beliefs of thousands of devotees who worship “LORD AYYAPPA”.The ease at which this subject was handled and the opinions unflurred during the discussion surprised me that a religion like Hinduism can be taken for granted like this. Choosing a sect which was throwing away statements at ease without even considering the religious sentiments of millions of people, truly showed that this subject was chosen for popularity and creating controversy. What was the aim or objective of this discussion is higly questionable? It seems that Hinduism is the only religion having issues which have to be addressed to. Isn’t there issues in other religions? Why hasn’t there been any programmes aired discussing about issues in Muslim community or christianity?For example you can discuss on subjects like “allowing Muslim women to worship in mosque like men’ or “marriage for a christian priest” etc.Will you dare to throw your opinions like this on Muslim or Christian community? I dare you won’t. Hinduism has become a puppy in the hands of you people which can be twisted or turned as per your whims and fancies. Where are these so called Hindu Organisations who for any petty issues raise there protest? Don’t see anybody who have raised their voice against this. After all are we competent or confident enough to address this issues. Aren’t there many important things to be resolved in our state. Why don’t we turn our focus to those issues? A premier channel like Asianet shouldn’t be doing this.I dont know or believe my opinion would be considered or read out.My humble request is not to humiliate Hindus or Hinduism. There are issues in Hinduism and for that matter in any religion. Please don’t raise these sensitive issues as a topic of discussion for popularity. A word about this Nammal Thammil programme.Most of the program I watch. All the programmes ends without a conclusion. Wonder why this programme is for and the speakers are not even allowed to complete their opinion and the discussion never have any continuity





Editors note:


Dear Anitha,

What you have stated exactly reflects the feelings of all Hindus in Kerala. Haindava Keralam is not an organization. It is an internet-based platform for all Hindus to share their
views and come up with possible solutions to the problems all Keralite Hindus face.


You say that Hindu organizations have not done enough. The same has been said by many passive Hindus in the state for a long time. But they are only trying to pass on their responsibility to Hindu organizations.When Hindu organizations seek the support of Hindu society, ‘secular’ Hindus usually stay away from them, fearing that they will be branded as ‘communalists’.


Hindus in Kerala should show courage and come out openly to protect Hindu dharma from evil clutches of Marxism, the media, Christian missionaries and Islamic fundamentalism.


The only solution which we Hindus in Kerala have to implement collectively is to BOYCOTT the media,especially those media which have fattened with our money, for example, Asianet and Mathrubhumi.


Many may wonder why we choose to oppose Asianet and Mathrubhumi rather than any other media.The answer is all other media in Kerala will never show justice to Hindus, because their loyalty is to Christian missionaries,AKG Centre and the Muslim countries of the Gulf. But we believe that if we Hindus collectively decide to boycott Asianet and Mathrubhumi, they may realize their faults

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