Arundhati Roy : Agent of the Treason Lobby

published on December 17, 2008

Dr. Babu Suseelan

Arundhati Roy, a Christian and a leftist liberal from India has written an article “The Monster in the Mirror” in Guardian, UK, on Saturday, December 13, 2008. The main thrust of her article is that the only way to contain Islamic terrorism is to look within. While endorsing so called grievances of Pakistan, the epicenter of terrorism, and terrorist organizations like Jammat-ud-Daawa, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Al-Qaeda, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islam, and SIMI, she used the opportunity to ridicule, insult and demonize VHP, RSS, Bajarag Dal, and other Hindu organizations. In her article, Arundhati Roy is promoting phony theories to justify Islamic terrorism while several Indian cities are reeling from the worst series of Jihadi terrorist attack in history. The Jihadi groups financed, managed and directed by Pakistan have increased their dangerous activity dramatically since Sonia Manio; the Italian Catholic took charge of the government.

With this Guardian article, Arundhati Roy is channeling her frustration against Indian citizens with hysterical opposition to improving reasonable security measures in India. The ramblings of Roy and her harsh accusations of India shows her true color and disloyalty. Marxist fanatics and anarchists like Arundhati Roy is living in delusion and fantasy and enjoy complaining against terrorism prevention strategies. Roy, in her article leaps from one idiotic point to the next. She is unwilling to admit real facts of Jihadi terrorism, and subversive activities of paid Pakistani agents who work for few bread crumbs. Instead of advocating tough measures against Jihadi terrorists, she is telling lies in order to defame Hindus and India. Roy is flagrantly dishonest in presenting her ridiculous ideas in the Guardian newspaper.  Leftist’s fringe elements like Roy always want to shame Hindus into making core concessions to Islamic terrorists.   She feels her pain according to her publicist and pay masters.  Her extremist liberal rhetoric is a profound moral abdication. It seems that she has lost her mind and soul. Leftist liberals like Roy masquerading as peace activists are carried away by their showy theatrics. They never seem to cry over the dead victims of Jihadi terrorists or concerned over the genuine atrocities and torture against Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.  It is an attempt to help Jihadi terrorists and hold innocent citizens and India in contempt. By justifying Jihadi terrorism with meaningless theories, people like Arundhati Roy are intentionally sabotaging India.  Needless to say, that these mindless anarchists have no actual plan of their own to prevent Jihadi terrorism unless surrender to Jihadis counts as a plan.  Indian leftist liberals are in a hurry to sell their third rate books to western publishers get a TV appearance and be called brave in western news papers or get invitation to international conferences.

Anyone who has followed the activities of Arundhati Roy knows full well that she is not a friend of India. To date, she has not been held accountable for her consistently anti-Indian agenda.  One can only hope that the day will arrive when a patriotic Indian will challenge her.

There are far greater threats from the fringe left in India. They pose as academicians, journalists, human rights activists, and entertainers. The fringe left in India with financial help from Islamo fascists and missionaries has evolved into a broader left. The political perspective of this left is vehemently anti-Hindu and anti-India. The left does not mean the Jihadis roaming the streets with bombs and AK 47. These paid agents are systematically undermining the nation’s ability to defend it while waging a bellicose campaign against Hindus. Leftist miscreants like Roy denounce Hindus because they are really afraid of Jihadi terrorists. Whether they are defending Jihadis, Maoist revolutionaries, people war group or missionary mafia, they are always against India. Leftist liberal gangs in India who are in cohort with our enemies are either traitors or idiots or both.

Arudhati Roy’s statement should not be treated as an isolated example of a leftist fringe. Rather, it should be considered in the context of the leftist’s long standing assault on Hindu values. These blame game of self-hating leftists and anti Indian rhetoric in western newspapers in not only unpatriotic but it is treason.

The treason lobby is busy coming up with chock-full of conspiracy theories to discredit Hindus and India. They are fringe leftists who want cheap round of applause from Islamo fascists and Christian fundamentalist groups.  They are busy screwing up things in India and do all sorts of harm to our culture. For them peace loving, and tolerant Hindus are bad, India is terrible and if Jihadis murder innocent people, burn passenger buses and trains with full of people,  bomb schools, temples, railway stations, behead Hindus and hijack planes, it’s got to be the fault of Hindus. Day in and day out, in their eyes, India comes up short. The country they live in is a never-ending embarrassment. Really, they are an embarrassment for India.


It is time for patriotic Indians to confront leftist liberals and treason lobbyist like Arundhathi Roy in order to preserve our ideals, freedom, culture and national sovereignty.

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