Arrogant Hindu hatred of Asianet TV

via HK Correspondent published on February 28, 2007

For several years, ASIANET TV has been a leader in biased reporting and slanted news. A large number of Hindus consider ASIANET is anti Hindu, pro communist. And there is overwhelming documented evidence to prove Asianet’s Hindu hatred. Here is another proof for their preconceived Hindu hatred and prejudices.  On February 25, Asianet has aired a blasphemous segment in their “Kannadi” program anchored by a notorious anti Hindu communist Gopakumar.


Gopakumar in the  â€˜Kannadi’ program came out with an outrageous and blatantly false conclusion that Hindus are blindly following DHARMA even  in 21st Century.


The topic of discussion was a Pooja conducted by the devotees in a village in Kerala. The Pooja was conducted by the temple authorities to honor an old respectable Brahmin with the help of devotees in the area. The special Pooja was performed  as per the suggestion of Devaprasnam conducted in the Temple. The Pooja was conducted for the well being of the whole village.


The Asianet reporter interviewed two anti Hindu atheist Marxists with Hindu names and concluded that such Pooja’s are to fool the public and is a means to collect money from the devotees.


Unlike the Marxists, Temple authorities never entertain any “bucket collection” or forced donation for any temples or for any temple rituals. Temple functions and daily Poojas are performed with willing donations from devotees. 


One wonder why the Marxist Gopakumar peddle such distorted and blatant anti Hindu statements? Ideologically, Gopakumar is soul mates with questionable background. Asianet seldom show any inclination to investigate corruption, fraud, and deception of the Marxist politicians. Why not for fairness investigate the source of Asianet funding?  Why not make a report on the frauds committed by Asianet Director in Kuwait? Why not Asianet “Kannadi” or the host Gopakumar question the irrational believes of Christians or Muslims? There are many Pentecostal Christians who still stays away from Doctors and Medicines, which even leads to the death of even Children among them. Why not Kannadi  expose it? Why not Asianet present an investigative report on Jihadi terrorism, money laundering by Muslim League, as well as NDF and ISI collaboration?


The astonishing attempt to tarnish and ridicule Hindu leaders by Asianet has been extended now to insult Hindu Dharma. Asianet’s agenda driven anti Hindu triades have extended even to all segments of Asianet.


Asianet hires leftwing screwballs to toe the anti Hindu Marxist line to attack Hindu Dharma, temple rituals and cultural festivals.  One wonders, why Asianet is keen on televising Aattukaal Pongala, Sabarimala pilgrimage, and Guruvayur festivals?. Why Asianet is airing a serial on Ayappa? Why special programmes for Onam and Vishu?


The truth is that Asianet want Hindu viewers to make money from the advertisers.  More Hindu audience means, they can be bombarded with anti Hindu messages. It is an attempt to brainwash gullible Hindus with diabolically, cunning, deceptive anti Hindu ideas.  No Hindu in his or her right mind can tolerate or excuse the arrogance of Asianet. 


We demand that Asianet to stay away from this years Attukal Pongala coverage and special Vishu and Onam based programs. We challenge Asianet to run a special program on Marxist corruption, Jihadi terrorism, deceptive religious conversion and the Marxist take over of Hindu temples. 


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