Another Progressive Fatwa- Don’t work or talk with Males ;You will Rot in Hell

via HK published on May 11, 2010

New Delhi : Here comes yet another Progressive Fatwa from the Fatwa Factory ,Darul Uloom of Deoband – Muslim Women who work along with men – WILL ROT IN HELL. More over all Muslim women who go for work should wear veil, If not their god will not hear their prayers no matter whether it’s 5 times or 10 times a day.

Deoband says it is clearly mentioned in the Shariat that women should wear the veil in office and should not mix with male colleagues. The fatwa says it is unlawful for Muslim women to do any job in government or private institutions that entails men and women working together and women having to talk to men without the veil.

When Deoband issued Fatwa against Vandemataram, Nationalist organisations warned the Government not to succumb to such Anti National tendencies. Entertaining such ridiculous Fatwas ,gave this Jihadi group the cheek to come up with more and more Fatwas based on the dictations of the leader of a desert nomadic tribe.

Human Right organisations who cry about Ghettoization of Muslim cities should first look into this ’Ghettoization’ of their own women in their own Home. Ministry of Minority which pumps crores of Rupees aimed at bringing Muslims to Mainstream should first close down such places which is a threat to any civilized society.

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