An open letter to editors of Pseudosecular media

via Murali.K published on January 29, 2007


Dear Sir,

        There was a mammoth event happened yesterday ( 28-01-2007) in Mangalore, the coastal city of Karnataka . The attendance to this function was more than one lakh and fifty thousand. More than seven seers Mathadhipathis) were on the Dias. Five thousand artists, including special “Chenda” players from Kerala gave a wonderful artistic presentation. Many national and state leaders participated in this programme.

Yes. I am talking about the “Virat Hindu Samajotsava” (Huge hindu gathering). This is an effort by RSS (Commonly known as Sangh) and affiliated organizations to see God in the form of society.Not only in Mangalore, had it happened in approx. 9500 places. And going to happen in around 500 more places. The average attendance in each of the programme is around Six thousand. So, if you consider around 5000 as average attendance, the total number of people who participated is 50 million which is approximately 5% percent of our country’s population.

I am very annoyed to see the apathy English media is showing towards a series of events which are mobilizing around 5% of Indian population towards a great cause. I expected the reports regarding the Mangalore Hindu Samajotsav in leading dailies today. No English newspaper has given the good coverage for such massive event.

The Hindu samajotsav in Mangalore had some special features. It happened with full co-operation from Minority community. Muslim brethren have sponsored the expenses of sugar for the attendees. Around 5000 Muslims and equal number of Christians participated in this event.

Remember such Samajotsavs were not being attended by so-called “elite” people who travel in AC cars. These programs were attended by the auto drivers who work from morning to evening. A coolie who works from morning 8 to evening 8 to earn his daily bread. He takes a day off and attends this function with all enthusiasm and joy.

We, as part of sangh parivar never believed in media publicity. But as the fourth pillar of democracy, it is your duty to give the right news to the people in right time.

 We care a damn about your publicity. We keep on winning the hearts of the  people and at the end of the day I am sure you will be the loosers.


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