An Open Letter to a Converted Christian

via B.Subramaniam GP.Srinivasan published on March 24, 2007



This is in response to a letter from Mr.Srinath, sent to a Tamil religious monthly, Panchajanyam, being published from Srirangam.


Srinath claims, though he was born as Hindu, a Vadakalai iyengar,whose origins were, Srirangam.


He confesses, he has been under the spell of missionaries, and would like to convert to Christianity. In his long letter to the editor, running into three pages, in Tamil, he has expressed his displeasure against Hindus and Hinduism, for its caste practices. He claims that Christianity and Islam do not have these “evil practices”, and hence better religions. He asks”why there are so many Gods in Hinduism”? and has borrowed all the missionary criticism of   Hinduism. He himself has no knowledge of Hinduism and does not know the abc of Hinduism. Toward the end of his rambling that turns into a political assault.  He asserts that Hinduism will be wiped out by Christianity and Islam.He suggests,the editor of Panchajanyam should “read Bible’ and reply to him. Our purpose, is to educate Hindus first, hence this detailed writeup.We are not interested in educating Christians. Hindus themselves do not know their wealth of their heritage is the pitiable state of affairs. Hence this reply.


B.Subramaniam GP.Srinivasan


Dear Mr.Srinath,


This is with reference to your letter to PANCHAJANYAM. I feel very sorry for the state of despair shown by you in your letter. I pray the ubiquitous Almighty to remove all the problems that you are facing.

Now the following points to clear your doubts :

We all (including you) follow Sanaathana Dharma. i.e living structure which can be followed by all. Before the advent of religions generated in the west viz. Christianity and Islam, our religion was followed by all on the earth with slight variations in different sects. Our place (which you call India), was called as Bhaarath Varsha – a tribute to a sage Bharath Muni.


Monotheism and Polytheism


We also have a single God (Almighty) – Brahman. It is neither HE (as in case of Christianity or Islam) or SHE. (In Christianity & Islam,the male domination is very prevalent, but not in our religion). It is just IT. IT is shape less, size less, genderless and beyond normal human comprehension. Though IT (Almighty) has formed several dimensions, IT is in zero dimension.


Siva purana says the Almighty has formed 64 dimensions. And a jeevaatmaa has to start its journey from 64 th dimension, and on better performance will be elevated to next lower dimension. We in 3 dimension will be elevated to 2 dimension on doing good physical deeds or thrown down to 4 dimension for doing bad deeds. The 2 dimension is of Swarga (Heaven) and 4 dimension – Naraga (Hell). 1 dimension is the place of Gods  and Demigods whereas 0 dimension is the place of Almighty.


In KathaUpanishad, the Almighty is referred to as Anoraniaan, Mahathomahiyaan- 
Smaller than an atom but bigger than the biggest. The Almighty made this universe out of its own thoughts and is present in every place and in every living organism and hence called Sarvaantharyami (Omnipresent, Ubiquitous).

Just like an office having different departments, IT manifests itself into three functionaries viz. Brahma – God of Generation, Vishnu – God of Organizing and Shiva – God of Destruction.  (Para Brahman Almighty) as GOD –Generator, Organizer and Destroyer. Hence irrespective of the religion, the maker is the same. Since we need to have staff to perform duties in every department, we have 33 Crore Devas who are there to perform individual duties, governed by Indra. Again in Katha Upanishad, Yama says that he is in the post of Yama due to performing a special type of Yagna called Nachiketha Yagna. Once the effect of the good deed is over, he will again thrown in to normal birth and death cycle.  Hence Yama, Agni, Varuna, Vaayu, Indra are only posts and any one can be elevated to that level temporarily. On   completion of their period they will again be put in to normal birth and death cycle.


Facts about Caste System

Around estimated 16000 thousand years ago, Swaayambu who ruled before the present Vaivaswatha Manu, created class among the mass for ease in civilization structure.


Brahmin : Brahmasya Gyaajuhu Braamanaha – The one knows or tries to know the Brahman is a Brahmin, he can engage in religious and teaching matters.


Kshaya Athra Veeryaha : Kshathriyaha – The one who has limitless body and mind power is Kshathriya – He can guard the kingdom and the people of the kingdom from enemies


Vishyasya Sooryaha : Vaishyaha – The one is bright like sun in finance matter of the society is a Vaishya;


Sha –Adhra : Shoodrha – One who can not be categorised in the first three classes    belongs to this class.


During Shukla Yajuveda period i.e during Rama’s period, i.e around 12000 years ago, in a single family, persons interested in spending more time in matters pertaining to Almighty will become a Brahmin, able bodied persons who were interested in physical fights became Kshathriyas; persons who liked to get involved in business    became Vaishyas and who did not have any such above cited capabilities became Shoodras doing minial works in the society. Thus the classes were only on the basis of ability and profession and not on the basis of birth.

This went on for several thousand years, but boys born to a Brahmin father liked to spend their time in matters pertaining to Almighty like their fathers, boys born to Kshthriya father liked to get themselves involved in fighting and using arms like their fathers, boys born to Vaishyaas liked to get themselves involved in financial or business matters like their fathers and boys born to Shoodhra father liked themselves to be involved in doing physical works like their fathers. Thus a classification which was started on the basis of ability slowly changed in to classification on the basis of   birth.


Hence the Classes were though basically formed on the basis of ability later changed   in to classification on the basis of birth. This is the negative side of the classification.


 The positive side is that since father and son belonged to the same working group, improvement in all the fields were visibly noted since father will teach his sons the nuances of work. Hence outcome in all walks of life was beyond compare.


Missionary Propaganda against Brahmins

Merely calling Brahmins as root cause for the deprived state of the 4th Class – is ridiculous. Brahmins themselves were only few in number and lived due to the generosity of the ruling class Kshathriyaas and business class Vaishyaas. Kshathriyaas fought wars and Protected. Traders amassed wealth  due to their inherent tendency to do business.Therewere not many Brahmins who were rich and had landed property. Moreover Brahmins had the inherent tendency to help the poor.


The root cause of the deprivation of the all the classes were due to 1300 years of Invasions and Foreign rule imposed on Indians. In fact there was hardly any deprivation at all in the first place. There was a prosperous and Rich Society, that    was perhaps rich even upto 1800 .The combined effects of Islamic invasions and Christian British resulted in the deprivation of entire Bharat. People were well off and productive. Food, Medicine, Water and Education were never sold in Pre British Times.You cannot offer the manager and peon of the company the same salary and other benefits. The Manager invariably gets better paid than the peon. This can not be attributed as deprivation by the Manager. Similarly the living conditions invariably differed between the 4 classes.


Compare it Vatican- all the top cardinals are Italian born Roman catholics, who run the show.It may surprisisng to many that the dalit christians feel cheated by the Church. They have conducted protest meet in New Delhi in 1999 when the Pope John Paul II came to India. The missionary of Charities of Theresa bojeaux of Calcutta, is run by Sister Nirmala, who happend to be Nepali Brahmin. The Vatican church has declared the abused varnaashrama, as recognised divisions, by council of diamper (udayamperroor). Though the Constitution of India by law has made untouchability, an offence, within the Hindu system, these divisions are still retained by the Roman Catholic order, in India.


 The varnaashrama is based on human types .What is called personality traits, and suitability for occupation. Even in modern organisations these four types can be found. Even in NASA or Microsoft, the hierarchy is visible. There the board and the Chairman, followed by Top Management, next to are Management staff, and wokers. Even Biill Gates organisation employees are divided into categories, that will resemble the old hindu order. There are security guards even in Vatican and there are janitor whose job is clean the toilet of the Pope.


During the British rule, since Brahmins were picked up and sought after by the British to serve as translators in English, the British translated Sanskrit literature into European languages. Brahmins were offered jobs in British Indian Government. The combined fiscal policy, dismantling of the existing agararian system, trade,commerce, and handicrafts resulted in tremendous poverty.Longlasting famines  resulted as result of these colonial policies by military adminstrators.

India was exporting upto 30 percent of its manufactured goods even in 1800.This made the Christian British jealous, and they robbed the country. Missionaries invaded the country and established bible schools. On the one hand they destroyed the existing system. “They  virutually broke the back , and made the people crippled, and provided balm  with the help of missionaries, who followed the invaders. Adding insult to injury they put the blame on Hinduism, Hindu Culture and blamed Brahmins for all
these. This was taught adnauseum in all missionary publications, and taught by every school and college. Every school going child was taught to hate their ancestors and become ashamed of its culture and heritage. Craftily the British further augumented this divison by creating, developing, supporting,institutions like the Justice party and   made people of other castes go against Brahmins, that gave rise to Dravidar    Kazhagam in Tamilnadu, by the famous Kannadiga E.V.Ramasamy Naickar    (Periyaar).Hence Brahmins were easily made scapegoats as root cause for the    deprivation of the 4th class. The missionaries were trying to develop Brahmin hatred in India, as they had done to Jews in West, that culminated in the World  War II, where millions of Jews and others were slaughtered. You must know that Hitler himself was a Roman catholic, and his name has not been removed, from the Church. The Vatican Church tacitly encouraged Hitler.


Casteism in Chistianity

 In fact it has been openly seen in converted Christians that the class and subclass of their Hindu generation in the past is taken into consideration before finalizing marriages. A naadaar Christian will not have any nuptial relation with a mudaliaar Christian and vice versa. Similarly classifications do exist in Christianity and Islam also. Roman Catholic,Protestants, Catholic Syrians, Pentacoste, Jehovaa’s Witnesses do not even see eye to eye with each other and go only in their way. A marriage between RC Christian and Protestant is next to impossible in reality. Each of them   does not even consider the other sect as part of Christianity at all in the first place. We know how Martin Luther fought for forming the Protestant Lutheran church and he butchered thousands of people to form Lutheran church. Read history. Do not waste your time in reading the foolish, useless bible. There are many variants of bible and each say that it was the first to be released. No word in the bible belongs to Jesus Christ. The Bible and Christianity itself came into existence only after 300 years of Christ’s crucifixion. In places like Bangalore there is the language problems between nativa kannadigas, who want the mass only to be conducted in Kannada, and Tamilians should their mass seperately.


Christmas- A Festival based on Lie  

The birth date of Jesus as 25th December does not exist in any form of bible. Read real history. In fact there was Mithra civilization (sun worshippers and hence a sect of Sanaathana Dharma) which existed in the middle east at the time of Jesus’s existence. They had the practice of starting their year from Winter solstice which falls on 25
thDecember. Christians took the cue from them and arranged the birth date of Christ as 25th December and then started their new year from 6 days later. This was improved by Pope Gregory and hence we call English calendar as Gregorian calendar.


Whereas we people of Sanaathana Dharma start our new year from Vernal Equinox i.e from the day when sun is parallel to the equator and rising upwards which falls on 14th April. Read real history.


Divisions in Islam


Similarly Muslim Sunnis and Shiaas do not see eye to eye with each other and the battle is going on for several hundred years after the demise of Mohammed (Prophet?). A marriage between a Sunni boy and Shiaa girl in  next to impossible. The Iran – Iraq war is a classic example of Shiaa – Sunni fight. It is unending. Mohammed only prophesied hatred among his own people and he ordered that all non muslims (kafirs) should be slaughtered, and they do not have the right to live. Read real history. Do not read Koran. It only preaches hatred.


Beauty of Sanathana Dharma


There is full fledged philosophy in Sanaathana Dharma which is absolutely lacking in Islam & Christianity. We call it Thathvam : Thath and Thvam – You. i.e. you are IT, and IT is invariably you.


Only   Sanaathana Dharma equates the maker Paramaathmaa (Almighty) with the made Jeevaathmaa. That is that essence of Sanaathana Dharma. The maker itself is    running as a deer and is hunting as a tiger. The hunter and hunted and the process of hunting are the same Almighty. This is called Adhvaitham.


In Naaraayana Suktham it says


‘thasyaahaa shikhaayaa madhye paramaathmaa    vyavasthithaha;

 sa-bhrmma, sa-shiva, sa-hari, sa-indra, sa-akshara, paramaswaraat’


At the peak of the real heart (at the solar plexus) of each person, exists the paramaathmaa, IT is Brahma, IT is Shiva, IT is Hari, IT is Indra, IT is undivisible Supreme Almighty.


Maandukya Upanishad says ‘Sarvam Hyethath Brahma, Ayamaathmaa Brahma’

 All we perceive are Brahman,My Athman (Soul) is also Brahman.


Bharath’s Contributions


We were the forebears in many fields of science and other departments. We had great mathematicians and we donated the concept of zero to the world.

We have developed Vaanashaasthra – Astronomy which was unequalled in the world at that time, and had many well known astronomers like Bhaskara, Aryabhatta. We were the first to educate the world that we have seven planets viz. Mercury – Bhudan, Venus – Sukran, Earth – Bhoomi, Mars – Ankaarakan, Jupitor – Guru and Saturn – Sani which are rotating around the  sun in the same plane in the above cited order. (Uranus, Neptune & Pluto were known only after the invention of telescope). We were also the first to come out with two imaginary planets – Chaayaa Graham – Rahu and Ketu which were formed out of the difference in the orbital plane of moon with respect  to earth, and they we responsible for solar and lunar eclipses. We were the    first to develop astronomy as well as astrology thus trying to find out the future.


We had very highly developed Yuddha Shaasthra – The rules pertaining to wars and battles. It says a war has to be done on a one man to one man to basis only, and should be fought on a barren land outside the civilization, only by males, from sunrise to sunset. In the wars one should not be attacked by many or one should not get hit on the back. The womenfolk and children were never involved in the wars. The warring groups will fight  it out on a pre decided open barren land outside the civilization and the winner of the war will take over the kingdom of the loser in a very smooth    manner. Only in the invasions of Muslims and then Christians we found warring on civilizations killing womenfolk and children and muslims were the first to use weapons of mass destruction like guns and mortars from far away  place killing hundreds of people. The war by people of Bharath was fought only from sunrise to sunset and on sunset both the warring groups will eat and go to sleep and resume war only the next morning only both the sides are ready. We had a sense of responsibility and reliability in all walks of life which was missing in the muslim and Christian invaders.

We were the first to develop high banking and lending system. In the west banks – banca: bench started very lately. We were of high caliber in business and financial systems.

Jewels like gold and silver and diamonds were discovered by us only and were then taken from us to the west. The importance of jewels were fist discovered by us. We were the first in the world to have a mine at Panna for Diamonds and Kimberly at South Africa came much later.

Gory History of Christianity and Islam

On formation of religions Christianity 2000 years ago,and Islam  about  1300 years ago in the Palestine, (both Christianity & Islam have a very bloody history. (Crusades and Jihads)


Christians raised a thousand year war (crusade) and killed lakhs of people and set fire to the famous library of Alexandria so as to destroy the history of west before Jesus Christ. Muslims also had to wage several wars – Prophet Mohammed himself has a very bad history – he was working as a house hold worker in one house, surreptitiously made the mistress of the house Khatija Begum to fall in love with him and was thrown out of the place itself and ran to Madina, where he is said to have heard  the message of allah? God, and then gathered an army and invaded Mecca and  killed several thousands in the battle.He waged 52 invasions in his life time. Muslims have the shariyat law by which a male can marry 4 females and beget children from them itself clearly Proves that there was a need of men folk for fighting and women were considered only (animals unequal to men) for bearing children. Since there were many battles going on, they had to beget more males. Even today in many muslim families women have to wear bhurka and can not freely talk to men not belonging to their family. Muslim Kings viz. Ghori and Gazni invaded India from West. Then came the Christians in 1600 AD. And since our country is on the other side of Sindu (Indus) river, the westerners started calling us as Hindu and this place as Hindusthan. Muslims may be as you said be the largest number of humans on the earth as a male can cohabit with 4 women and  procreate any number of children. Similarly if he wants he can simply say Talak Talak Talak and divorce his wife permanently and get rid of her. Wait and see what happens to Islam and Christianity in the future.


‘The wonder that was India’


The history of our Bharath (which you now call as India) was a wonder. Please read ‘The wonder that was India’ written by  Mr.A.L.Basham, an Indologist working in Canberra University. He only calls this wonder existed before the invasion of Muslims and Christians to Bharath.


Foreign Invasion


In those days Bharath which comprised of 56 independent nations was supposed to be the richest place in the earth, and every one thronged to come here. Even Alexander who was the king of Macedonia (now part of Greece) came to this place only in an ambition to plunder but was forced to return as he was totally defeated by Pururavas in a war which was fought at the base of Himalayas. He went back to Macedonia in his late twenties and died there. Mohammad of Gazni, Mohammed of Ghori, Timur Lang (Forefather of Akbar) came only to plunder Bhaarath. Though they could do a little harm, they were forced to return back as they lost in wars with valiant Bhaarath  kings. Babar could invade Bhaarath and permanently settle and spread islam  here. In early 16 th century, Europians wanted to come to Bhaarath only with an ambition to do business and slowly plunder.


First Christopher Columbus from Spain left

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