via H. Balakrishnan published on July 6, 2007


Your edit “Let’s heal ourselves” (TNIE- 06 JUL),regrettably,can at best be termed an ‘exercise in SECULAR OBFUSCATION’!! It exhibits an ignorance of history!!How else is one to explain your ‘can be put under the subhead of globalisation’.If that be the case,how would your secular ‘leader writers’ explain the ‘pogrom’ of the Malabar Hindus in 1921 as part of the Khalifat Rebellion at a time when the term  ‘globalisation’was not even in a state of conception? However,the concept of ‘UMMAH’ is not new.
The edit also exhibits a gross ignorance of the theology of Islam in
general and the ideology of ‘JIHAD’ in particular.Any wonder then the obfuscations-‘there is no point letting either left-wing political correctness or rightwing demagoguery obfuscate’. Shri Sita Ram Goel in his “India’s Secularism-New Name for National Subversion”, pithly puts your writing in perspective:

“Thus the leaders of the Congress had confirmed the adage according to which when a potter cannot control the potteress,he twists the ears of his donkey”!!That’s NEHRUVIAN SECULARISM FOR YOU AND ME!!
In direct contrast to your ‘sweep under the carpet edit’,here are
some straight talking by Muslims themselves in the Western media.Thanks to the NET,we in India get educated,something which our media refuses to do to its fellow-countrymen.
Tanveer Ahmed,writing in THE AUSTRALIAN of 03 Jul,entitled:

“Islam must face its uncomfortable truths-A particular theology is central to the problem of terrorism”,wrote: “The latest attack in Britain shows how the Islamist threat is being driven by something much grander than mere foreign policy or feelings of grievance. The perpetrators believe they are soldiers in the perceived historical battle between good and evil.I believe that theology is central and not peripheral to the problem. It is grounded in history, – – the foundation for their acts lies very much in the set of ideas called Islam”. Where is the connection to your ‘rightwing demagoguery ‘?
Hassan Butt, a former ‘Jihadi’, wrote a classic in the GUARDIAN of 01 Jul,entitled:

“My plea to fellow Muslims:You must renounce terror”,stating: ‘what drove me and many of my peers to plot acts of extreme terror within Britain, our own homeland and abroad, was a sense that we were fighting for the creation of a revolutionary state that would eventually bring Islamic justice to the world.- – .Many of my former peers, myself included, were taught by Pakistani and British radical preachers that this reclassification of the globe as a Land of War (Dar ul-Harb) allows any Muslim to destroy the sanctity of the five rights that every human is granted under Islam: life, wealth, land, mind and belief. In Dar ul-Harb, anything goes, including the treachery and cowardice of attacking civilians’.
Speaking on the “Role of Journalism Today”at the National Press Club, Washington,D.C. on 18 Jun,the well known Ayaan Hirsi Ali,stated:

‘From this perspective journalists like all the rest of us face the unpleasant reality of taking sides or getting lost in the incoherence of the so-called middle ground. The role of journalists serving the West, who understand what this particular battle is about, will be to inform their audiences accordingly.If we do not understand the differences between Islam and the West–why one is so great and the other so low–and we don’t fight back and win this battle of ideas in order to preserve our civilization, in my view there is no point to your profession or mine.”
Viewed against the foregoing contexts,and there are more such honest and plain speaking by Muslims,I regret to state that your edit was not just obfuscation but also an exercise in DHIMMITUDE!!

Any wonder then the veteran journalist,M.V.Kamath wrote that ‘COWARDICE’ IS THE OTHER FACE OF ‘SECULARISM’!!

Like it or not,the headlines of the daily Al Arabiya,after the Beslan tragedy rings true: ‘All Muslims are not terrorists;BUT,All Terrorists are Muslims’.


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