Amen – Autobiography of a nun;Startling revelations trigger a debate in Catholic church

via By S Chandrasekhar @ published on May 4, 2009

Amen – Autobiography of a nun penned by Sister Jesme, who quit the
Congragate of Carmallite Church, after 33 years of nunhood and
published by DC Books, Kottayam, is breaking news stands records
earning lakhs for the penner and publisher. Three editions of the book
in Malayalam have already been sold out and the fourth is in print.
Owing to great demand from all over Bharat and the globe, English,
Hindi and Marati versions of the book are coming out shortly, with
print order of each exceeding a lakh. This will certainly make the nun
and DC Books millionaires. ‘A Harry Potter’ like aura is encircling the
book and Sr. Jesme has acquired a JK Rowling halo.

Sr. Jesme, a PhD in English literature, author of three books
on poetry and Principal of St. Marys and Vimala College, Thrissur, was
forced to resign from the convent as she had fought against evil
tendencies like commercialisation of education, financial
irregularities, etc. She was branded as a psychiatric and forced to
take drugs. Fearing death, she resigned from the convent.

In the 183-page best-seller she has devoted five pages to
lesbian and sexual acts perpetuated by nuns, mothers, brothers and

On page 54, she says how a fellow sister crept into her bed
and did indecent things despite her protest. On page 89, she reveals
how a father deputed to take care of her at Bangalore, misbehaved with
her, molested her and indulged in body-exhibitionism.

In other pages she speaks about financial irregularities,
corruption, nepotism, intrigue, patriarchy prevailing in church. She
says churches maintained two sets of books, one for public consumption
and the other for private consumption. She says the educational
institutions, medical and engineering collages, hospitals are only for
the rich and powerful. The medical and engineering colleges are
money-making factories with amount from Rs. 50 lakh to Rs. 100 lakh
being charged for medical seats, affordable only to affluent NRI’s.

The bishops live in absolute luxury dining the richest food
and partaking finest liquors. They travel in the latest and costliest

She says she left the convent since there was conspiracy to
confine her to the dark corners of a nunnery citing psychiatric

Sr. Abhaya and Sr. Anupa Mary and countless nuns through their
mysterious deaths have revealed the lesbian and sexual perversions
prevalent in the church. Fathers and brothers who are ‘vultures
personified’ are preying on hapless girls, who join as nuns, to escape
from poverty in homes.

Despite 974 mysterious deaths being reported from the
‘Christian Divine Retreat Centre’ at Muringoor, Thrissur, despite
billions of dollars coming to Pentecost Missions for conversion and
anti-national activities, despite the Kerala Women’s Commission mooting
minimum 18 years for nunnery and retention of family property in nun’s
name (the Church usurps the nuns property) the CPM and Congress are not
doing anything for fear of losing the 25 per cent Christian vote-bank
of Kerala.

The present Pope and John Paul II may have asked pardon for
atrocities committed on nuns and sisters by brothers and priests, but
the fact remains that the Church spends billions of dollars every year
as compensation for victims of sexual atrocities by priests. Owing to
dwindling number of churches and priests in Europe, those opting for
priesthood are given two months holidays, every year, to freak out at
any tourist resort in any corner of the world and enjoy material

May the tribe of whistle blowers like Sr. Jesme increase! Amen!

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