‘All seculars are not scoundrels: All scoundrels are seculars”

via H.Balakrishnan published on March 12, 2007





If the Article “Turning Hinduism on its Head” (TNSE-MAGAZINE-11 MAR), was meant to be an exercise in humour-it flopped.If it was meant as an exercise in sarcasm-it was puerile.However,as an exercise in ‘Perverted Secularism’, in the Indian context of the term,it was par for the course,though,by now,it has gotten stale and putrid!! A typical  ‘unintellectual’Leftist meander!!


A close scrutiny of the Leftist language shows that it has an affinity with the languages used by earlier Islamic,Christian and British Imperialism.On blogosphere it is termed the ‘language of the 4M-Macaulay-Marxist-Mullah-Missionary’.Dictionaries do not help in deciphering this language.


The intellectual Kshatriya- (late) Shri Sita Ram Goel,in his most enlightening treatise -“Perversion of India‘s Political Parlance” had written:


“The most significant contribution made to India’s politics and public life by the language of of Leftism is character assasination.Most of the time,the Leftists are poor in facts and logic but prolific in foul language.It has opened the floodgates for all sorts of questionable characters to come forward and occupy the front seats on the public stage.The full harvest of the seeds sown in the years before Independence has been reaped in the post-Independence period when politics and public life have become progressively a safe haven for all sorts of scoundrels masquerading as servants of the people”.


How seamlessly this fits the Article?!!


Soon after the Beslan masacre,the Al Arabya newspaper had headlined ‘All Muslims are not terrorists:All terrorists are Muslims”.Drawing an analogy from that headline,it is safe to conclude,in the Indian context: ‘All seculars are not scoundrels: All scoundrels are seculars”!!That is also ‘plainly speaking’, please!!


In conclusion,if this Article is representative of the standards of ‘journalistic intellectualism’ in 21st century India, there then exists a dire need to reinvent the wheel!! CHEERS



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