Acquired Modi Mental Sydrome

published on April 13, 2010

Letter to TNIE

Dear Sir,

Reference the (n + 1)th “edit/op-ed” on Modi – and I care a ‘damn’ – whatever it was titled – ((TNIE – 13 Apr).

The ‘ prima donnas ‘ in this latest  ‘ Theatre of the Absurd ‘ enacted by ‘ The New Secular Christian-Muslim Monitor ‘ aka TNIE, were  ” The German delegates said they were on an  unofficial visit to India with the approval of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German  parliament “. Mark the words – “UNOFFICIAL VISIT”. And the “JAICHANDS” in The New Secular Christian – Muslim Monitor rush to edit write !! Wah!! Secular ‘mailiciousness’ is UNLIMITED.

And of course, we don’t expect the ‘JAICHANDS” at ” TNSCMM ” to tell the readers that this ” UNOFFICIAL VISIT ” was ‘ funded & financed ‘ by ” Missio, a German-based Catholic pastoral body, organized the four-member delegation’s visit to India. They visited Gujarat on April 7-8 and concluded the trip by addressing a select group of journalists at Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s commercial capital. Other delegates were Missio director Otmar Oehring and Jan Bitter, chairperson of the Christian Democratic Union parliamentary group”.  So, it was basically a “Harvesting of Souls” delegation. Lets not beat around the bush.


To borrow your secular Anand Raj Singh’s reportage on Bareilley,  ” sources “  have indicated the following:

(a) – Following the non-stop revelations across Europe/Americas about the hyper-active ” LIBIDOS ” of the ‘white-cossacked salvation gentry’- especially their fond bias for ‘ young boys ‘ – media reports indicate Christians deserting the Church in droves;

(b) – In Africa, the ‘ Sword of Islam ‘ has been unsheathed and playing merry hell with the ‘Harvesters’;

 (c) – India is a safe bet, because, there is the ever ready ‘secular English media’ to play ‘JAICHANDS’ to perfection, as your edit indicates!! And then, ‘ paid news ‘ is the current ‘ in-thing ‘. Souls will be sold for the ‘correct consideration’ ! ! Demographic numbers of the ‘Believers in the Only Begotten Son’ has to be maintained !! Thus, these ‘German Harvesters’ were on a ‘scouting’ mission in Gujarat !! Remember, the ‘Harvestsers’ got ‘plastered’ in DANGS in 1998/99? Of course the ‘Secular Hoot & Scoot: Tell Lies & Run Away’ English media put the blame on the Sangh Parivar – and- quite naturally – Truth showed otherwise !!  We are all aware of these despicable tactics of this mafia.

That for a consideration our ‘ paid news wallahs ‘ will do anything- even sacrifice National Security, has been lucidly brought out in an Article, in the popular web portal, entitled : ” Do foreign contributions to India impact security? “. Every single line is worth its weight in gold. Here is an excerpt:

” Largest donor countries are the United States with Rs 2,928 crore (Rs 29.28 billion), Germany Rs 1,269 crore (Rs 12.69 billion), the United Kingdom Rs 971 crore (Rs 9.71 billion), Italy Rs 515 crore (Rs 5.15 billion), Netherlands Rs 414 crore (Rs 4.14 billion) and Spain Rs 401 crore (Rs 4.01 billion). The top three donor countries are the US, Germany, and the UK for many years now. I hope that similar, if not more, concern is shown towards the underprivileged and unemployed white and black US citizens. Readers must be aware that most Germans pay some sort of a tax to the Church. Another issue worth pondering over: Is there a correlation between tax paid and inflows into India” ? The so-called “church tax” (German: Kirchensteuer) for the recognised religious organisations, such as Catholic dioceses, Protestant church bodies, or Jewish congregations is collected with the regular state tax and then transferred to the respective religious organisation. The Protestant, Catholic  and other churches in Germany are largely financed through church tax that is collected by the state from all registered members of these denominations.It also funds the’Harvesting of Souls’ in ‘secular’ countries – like India!!


The fact of the matter is that the entire edit writing staffers at TNSCMM , I am told, have been diagnosed with a serious mental disorder recently  termed as ‘Acquired Modi Mental Sydrome'(AMMS).  Medical opinion is of the view that if this debilitating ‘ mental disorder ‘ is NOT TREATED IMMEDIATELY, under expert psychiatric care – the patient runs the risk of spending the rest of his/her life in a mental asylum.  TNSCMM staff have a ‘ live, clear & present danger ‘ facing them. The choice between ‘sanity’ and ‘insanity’ is theirs !!  After all, we are a ‘secular & democratic’ country.  However, as a well wisher, they have been warned of the danger they face to their mental health !!



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