A Fitting Response to ‘SECULAR’ TOI

via Courtesy : Redhish published on January 9, 2010

Letter to Times of India
Ref Article – Zero Tolerance by Jug Suraiya
Article Link – http://preview.tinyurl.com/ygm2uyu

Hi Jug,
Voltaire also said – Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too. So you enjoyed conversions and it’s our time to enjoy the reconversion.
The report you are referring to doesn’t even hold the value of a toilet paper. Something like Osama Bin Laden setting up a human rights commission with Mulla Omar and the commander of Taliban in Afghanistan to assess the religious tolerance of western countries and coming up with a report where in America is termed as the least tolerant country becos the majority there are Christians. Will the Washington’s Pew Research buy this logic?
Jug, India was, is and will be a secular country because 85% of the population believes in Sanatana Dharma. Go to Kerala a state where Hindus are in majority and the majority of MLAs and MPs are minorities. A state like Andhra where an evangelist Christian ruled the state for more than 10 years and appointed Christians as temple staff in Tirupati and they had the freedom to distribute evangelical materials to the devotees waiting for the Darshan. Still no bloodshed happened there. In Assam flush out of Hindu tribals by Christian terrorists are happening, something what the kashimiri pundits faced long back .
In Kerala during the recent by election the Bishop sent out a public note asking all the political parties to field only a Latin Christian as the candidate as Christians are in Majority in EKM assembly seat. According to him minority rights only apply as long as they are in minority and the moment they achieve majority status, minorities has no rights. This also happened in one of the intolerant hindu state (according to you). Still none got killed in kerala and all the hindus voted for both the Christians. Isn’t this TOLERENCE or do you expect more. What if the Hindus think like that bishop thought in India………….
Jug your Pew report is basically a response to what happened in Orissa and some minor incidents in Mangalore out of which half of them turned out to be orchestrated by the Christians itself. See what the Marthoma Bishop had to say about the Orissa violence.
Orissa riot – Result of ‘Hit-and-run evangelism’ says Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church

Following are the words of Dr Joseph Marthoma, the Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church after visting Orissa from the Article titled Western evangelists damaging established Churchby Shevlin Sebastian in www.expressbuzz.com

“The situation has improved a lot,” he says. “The churches are being reconstructed. However, the old wounds are still there.” Dr Joseph Marthoma puts the blame on the vitiated atmosphere on western evangelism. “The drawback is that they denounce other faiths and cultures,” he says. “Theirs is a hit-and-run evangelism. They have no long-standing presence. They do great damage and the sufferers are the local, established churches, as well as the poor people.” The Metropolitan says that these groups should change. “They have the attitude that they are bringing the torch of light to the dark continents of Asia and Africa,” he says.

“But times have changed. They must understand that the only way forward is mutual respect. Because of their aggressiveness, the riots took place in Orissa.” He says the Mar Thoma Church has a mission at Khariar Road, in Nuapada district, just 150 km from Kandhamal. “We had no problems during the riots,” he says. “The local people, comprising mostly Hindus, were the protectors of our mission.” He proudly asserts that the 10-lakh strong Mar Thoma Church is an independent entity. “We do not take funds from foreign agencies for our maintenance and programmes,” he says.
Will the hate mongering pastors take a cue from the wisdom imparted by Dr Joseph Marthoma?
Finally it is relevant for the US commission on International Religious Affairs to note that no harassed community, no intimidated community will go a church building spree. Why not make a survey of the number of churches built in the last ten years throughout India?  It is a myopic perception to see what you want to see simply because it suits your vested interest.
Its quite evident that Jug’s pain is not because of the report but the news appeared in TOI on the same day where in some saved souls reconverted back to their original culture (Ghar Vapasi). First of all please set your knowledge right about Mahabarata. It was not Karna who was a tribal but was Ekalavya. And the Bhramin, tribal interpretation you gave to that story is nothing but the evangelical way of interpreting stories. We hindus teach our kids about the great Guru Bakti what Ekalavya showed and not the humanly selfishness of Drona. That is the difference between the Semitic evangelical way of thinking vis a vis Bharateeya Darshan. Jug if I look at the other sacred books with the same ugly thought then Jesus could not have been born to a VIRGIN. Because Joseph was married to Mary for years and do you want me to believe that they never had sex in life. If they had sex, then how could you call Mary a VIRGIN? But we don’t do that, we are taught from our childhood not to disrespect any other faiths because we believe that there are different ways to achieve Moksha or the ultimate aim in life. We are taught to feed a hungry with food not religion. We don’t believe in printing blasphemous leaflets ridiculing other faiths and buy ignorant people. We don’t believe in killing people just because they said something which is contrary to what is written in one of our books (I hope you still remember the story of Galilio who was killed because he scientifically proved that sun is the center of universe which was contrary to what was mentioned in your sacred book). We respect non believers too. So don’t teach us tolerance.
Jug, I am so touched by your love for the Dalits but tell me one thing why even after conversion they are still called as Dalit Christians? Why don’t you give them the same status of the RC, Latin or Marthoma since Christianity doesn’t believe in any cast systems? Why there is no Dalit bishop or methrapolitha. Mr. Jug, I am not surprised with this because you could not even give the same rights to the opposite sex in your own religion.
As per the recent report I read in one of the news papers, around 100,000 converts reconverted back to Original culture in one year and the course is continuing. What is that the missionaries Carrot couldn’t impress them much or majorities stick is much more impressive than the carrot? YES IT’S A MATTER OF CONCERN FOR YOU AND ORGANISATIONS LIKE PEW RESEARCH…………….PHEEW
Hindus unlike others has no problem in accepting any suggestions from others if it makes sense and logic. We have done it before and we will do it in future too. We completely agree that there was some ill treatment towards the dalits due to lack of knowledge and corrective measures were taken within the Hinduism and the result is evident now………….
If you see the concept of Ekal Vidyalava (did u notice that this project is ironically similar to the name of Ekalavya and not Dhrona) which is the worlds largest NGO working in the tribal area educating them free of cost. They are providing them with food, education and medical facilities. Still they are happily living their life as original tribals and not as any X, Y or Z thinking that we will get 72 virgins in heaven to fuck around or when the judgment day comes will get a free ticket to board the boat.
Jug, you and PEW guys should worry more about the closing down of churches in the western world and the drifting of faith among the fellow colleagues. Bharat knows how to handle her issues and we have proved it en number of times.
Let me make it very clear to you……….if you believe that the meaning of TOLERANCE is keeping quite when you are getting abused then…………my dear friend, you are totally mistaken even a 100 PAGE note book will not be enough to print what will happen to you. There is a total change in Hindus attitude towards aggression.
India is a land of diverse faiths. A cradle which nurtured all faiths-a land of refuge which welcomed all peoples of other faiths when persecuted in other countries made India their home. Hence it would be unjust and far from truth to target the Hindus and make them perpetrators of intolerance and tag them as Hindu extremists. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world and it has an inbuilt tolerance and a precept that other religions are the different paths which lead to the Paramatha. Hence they will not bulldoze other paths to create ‘One Way’, ‘One Path’. The sooner the evangelists and the jihadis accept this basic truth the sooner will the communal divide fall?
I pity TOI for publishing such a totally biased and rubbish article just becos its anti Hindu…………..


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