A Christian Fatwa

via HK Correspondent published on November 26, 2006

For decade’s now famous singers of non-Hindu sects have sung praises of Hindu gods and waited at the doorsteps of the temples not being able to take a darshan of their favourite dietes as they are not ready to forgo their faith.

Many quarters of the society has always come out in protest against this rule followed strictly by some temples in India to keep the sanctity of the temple alive. Recently an actress was severely hounded and criticized as she was seen inside a temple offering prayers to a Hindu god. Rumour mills also claim that she has converted to Hinduism which the actress herself has not admitted. Another actress claimed she had been to the abode of Swami Ayappa and even claims to have touched the idol which millions of devotees have not been able to do in ages. The average Hindu society came out in full force claiming these to be dogmas that need to be left far behind in time.

Now the Latin catholic Christian church has come out with a proclamation that non-Christians cannot sing in the church choirs.


 It is common knowledge that many choirs bowing down to stiff competition admit non-Christian singers in their choir to better their performances. Many church committees have kept silent because the pressure of performing well in a financial year guaranteed them a re election to the next years leadership.

As the Hindu community welcome this move by the church it also raises apprehensions about it being a ploy to have more singers convert to Christianity to make use of the financial uses of being part of the church choir.The silence of the media and the secular community is something to be noted in particular.


 Haindava Keralam will also stand forward to ask the church bar its followers from singing Hindu devotional songs without faith in their hearts. It calls on the church to stop using Hindu devotion simply for commercial gains. By singing Hindu hymns without truly feeling the devotion in the heart you are cheating yourself, your faith and the Hindu community.

The secular brigade in the country is being reduced to mere band players for the minority communities. Their expressions and protests are now simply being based on issues pertaining to false minority persecution claims.

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