22 years to Communist Cruelty in Parumala

By HK published on September 17, 2018

On 17 September 1996, three ABVP activists: Anu, Sujith and Kim, were cornered in Devaswom Board college in Parumala by a violent mob of SFI, CITU and DYFI. The mob threatened to kill them, for their active participation in the ABVP College unit. Fearing that death was just inches away, the students ran for life and jumped into River Pampa, hoping that they could swim across to safety. But the heartless SFI goons began pelting stones mercilessly and severely that the 3 boys were drowned.




Even the women who were washing clothes, who were witness to the incident, tried to rescue them by throwing their sarees into the water, hoping that the boys could catch hold of them. But the women were brutally chased away by the SFI goons, who hurled abuses at them. They pelted stones too, at the women. The helpless women had no option but flee the place.
And much to the glee of the sadistic goons, the boys were drowned.

Kerala was ruled by the Marxists then, who did away with every shred of evidence. They even went to the extent of manipulating the postmortem report. They made a fresh report, stating that the boys were drunk, which led to their being drowned. With the aid of these forged evidences, the Marxist leadership successfully won the case. The verdict that came from the court declared the SFI and DYFI caders as innocent. But the cosmic law has its own course…destiny will prove who gets the real justice. Time will again prove that the tears of the parents have were not ever wasted.


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