2 G Spectrum fraud and the Press

published on November 18, 2010



The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) in his Report on the 2G spectrum scam has indicted Union Telecom Minister A Raja in the scandal and said the allocation was doctored to benefit few operators. It is now a well-known and patent fact, excepting to our shameless Prime Minister, dictatorial firangi memsahib, Mu Karunanidhi of Justice Sarkaria Commission infamy and of course the petticoat washers in the Congress Mafiosi Party, that the Union Telecom Minister A Raja, through his unabashed corruption has caused a loss to the National Exchequer to the tune of Rs 1760000000000 (1.76 lakh crores). This has been graphically described by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) in his latest Report. In response to the request of some of the Opposition Parties that he should step down from his office, Union Minister Raja has the temerity to say: “I am totally innocent. I have done nothing wrong, I will not step down.” He has contempt for our invertebrate Prime Minister. He knows that he owes his office and total freedom to indulge in unfettered Himalayan corruption to the Firangi Memsahib in New Delhi and to no one else!

According to the CAG report, Raja ignored advice from everyone including the Finance Ministry and Law Ministry regarding allocations. He has treated the “advice” from the Prime Minister of India with supreme ‘Sonia-contempt’. THERE IS ENOUGH DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE TO PROVE THIS POINT OF OFFICIAL INSUBORDINATION BY MINISTER A. RAJA. If only Mrs Indira Gandhi had been the Prime Minister, she would have immediately flung aside A Raja like a dangerously infectious rag into the Bay of Bengal. I am saying this because I am fully familiar with the manner in which she dismissed the corrupt DMK Government of the very same Mu Karunanidhi on 31st of January 1976. She appointed the Justice Sarkaria Commission to inquire into the massive corruption of the then DMK Government from 1971 to 1976. Justice Sarkaria in his final report declared the then Chief Minister Mu Karunanidhi guilty of corruption on many fronts and recommended his prosecution. The Sarkaria Commission Report was buried alive by Indira Gandhi in 1980 when she teamed up with the DMK to win the Parliamentary Elections. In the same manner, Indira Gandhi’s daughter-in-law, the firangi memsahib is using the might of her political office to bury the colossal 2G Spectrum fraud of Union Minister Raja! Political history repeats itself and Indian Politicians repeat each other with unfailing regularity and unwavering venality!

According to the CAG Report the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has been a helpless spectator in the whole sordid affair.

Excepting the NEW INDIAN EXPRESS daily in English and DINAMANI daily in Tamil (which also belongs to the New Indian Express Group), most of the other newspapers in Chennai have tried to either downplay the Himalayan corruption of Union Minister A. Raja or completely hide it from public view in one corner of the newspaper. The helpless common man in the street already hit by unprecedented inflation and beaten down and crushed by the ‘scientific corruption’ of the Italian firangi memsahib’s UPA II Government of India owes a deep debt of gratitude to these two newspapers for having reported the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth relating to the 2G Spectrum mega-Fraud as brought out by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. These 2 newspapers are playing their legitimate role as responsible mouth pieces of the public of India. All the other newspapers have sold their journalistic souls for a mess of pottage—I mean Government patronage—by way of Government advertisements.

I am presenting below the Headlines of some of the newspapers (11-11-2010) in English and Tamil to prove my point. In this context I would like to classify the newspapers in Chennai into the following 3 categories:


NOTE: Shri.Ramnath Goenka was a Veer Hanuman who fought against the draconian Emergency of dictatorial Indira Gandhi and brought her down in the 1977 General Elections. Three Cheers to The New Indian Express today for maintaining this glorious tradition of fearless and nationally responsible journalism.

NOTE: All kudos to Shri. Vaidyanathan, the Chief Editor of Dinamani today for his morally responsible journalism. He is in the glorious tradition of fearless journalists like Shri.G.Subramania Iyer (the founder of the Hindu and Swadeshamitran), Mahakavi Bharathi, Shri.A.N.Shivaraman (one of the most distinguished journalists of India and former Editor of Dinamani). Shri Vaidyanathan’s motto seems to be:”Without courage there can be no truth and without truth there is no other virtue”


NOTE: According to this National Newspaper founded in 1878 (thank God not earlier!!), the public information relating to Prithvaraj Chavan, a known political light weight in the Sonia Congress Party with no grass root political connections in Maharashtra, replacing Ashok Chavan as Chief Minister of Maharashtra, is more important and vital to the nation than the colossal loss of Rs.1.76 lakh crores caused to the State exchequer by the public loot of Union Minister Raja.Long live Press Freedom to make mountains out of mole hills and mole hills out of mountains!

NOTE: Though the Times of India and The Hindu are engaged in a fratricidal commercial war to overtake one another in the market, yet both these newspapers seem to be having contempt for the larger national interest. Like The Hindu, The Times of India is also according a higher priority—nay higher status— to the news relating to the nomination of Prithviraj Chavan as Chief Minister of Maharashtra than the loss of Rs.1.76 lakh crores caused to the national exchequer by Union Minister Raja.

NOTE: The statement given by the Deputy Chief Minister statement of Tamil Nadu will have a knock down priority in reporting. Before this statement, the damning Report given by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India against the mega corruption of Union Telecom Minister A.Raja pales into insignificance! Perhaps it is the only way of keeping the people of Tamilnadu in a state of medieval ignorance of all vital national issues.

The myriad millions of India have come to realize that they can get no justice at all from the servile, banal and irresponsible mass media — both print and electronic. The Indian Press is steeped in its commitment to drivel, duplicity and demeaning programming. Our pressmen seem to be no longer interested in the relentless pursuit of Truth, Information and Enlightenment. Like an alcoholic drunkard chasing alcohol everyday, our men in the media seem to be in the hot pursuit of Misinformation, Disinformation, Dissimulation, Untruth and wholesale promotion of public ignorance.

Our newsmen seem to be no longer interested in proper news gathering and responsible reporting. They are only interested in propaganda which is that branch of lying which often deceives their friends without ever deceiving their enemies. All the major English newspaper owners and editors are interested in printing and publishing only PAID NEWS. The correspondents in their bonded labour are interested only in disseminating their own personal political views and prejudices, totally divorced from terrestrial reality and objective reporting, as BASIC GROUND-LEVEL NEWS. Their daily frivolous reporting is nothing but cheap propaganda which again is a monologue which seeks not any response but only an echo. What is public is only their propaganda, what is secret is their serious moral corruption.

The double charge against the Indian Press may thus be stated: “Its calculated failure to inform the public better than it does is the evasion of its responsibility. Its failure to educate and elevate the public taste rather than following that taste like a blind, wallowing dinosaur is an abuse of its freedom.”

Mark Twain once said that it is the duty of a newspaper to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. If ever there was a time when the light and comfort which newspapers can give us in India, it is TODAY. And I would like to focus on one problem which is the VIRUS destroying the vigour and energy of our nation today. I am referring to mindless DISSENT. It’s a symptom, an expression, a consequence and a cause of all others. I say Dissent and not Disagreement. Disagreement produces Debate, but Dissent produces Dissention. Dissent which comes from the Latin, means originally to feel apart from others. People who disagree have an argument, but people who dissent have a quarrel. People may disagree but may both count themselves in the majority, but a person who dissents is by definition in a minority. A liberal society thrives on disagreement but is killed by dissention. Disagreement is the life blood of democracy; dissention is its cancer. The mass media in India–both print and electronic–are interested only in deliberately fostering dissent instead of actively promoting an enlightened, responsible and civilized disagreement.

Our FOURTH ESTATE is in a state of utter moral disarray, spiritual collapse and irretrievable chaos today.

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