Wide spread criticism on Secular Nepal

via HK published on May 21, 2006

KATHMANDU: Nepal parliament’s proclamation declaring the world’s only Hindu Kingdom as a secular state has evoked widespread critisism among majority of Hindus in the nation.

“The decision of the so-called Parliament has hurt the faith of the 900 million Hindu populace across the globe and brought about possibilities of a religious crusade in Nepal,” Shiv Sena Nepal President Arun Subedi said.

The Parliament should not have panicked over preserving the only Hindu Kingdom in a world where 52 countries are Christians and 46 Muslims, they told.

Arjun Lamichhane of the Bishwo Hindu Youth Federation said the issue of secularism should not be raised in a country where religious tolerance has always prevailed.This will only led to hurt the sentiments of innocent Hindus in Nepal.

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