What the War on Terror is really about

published on July 31, 2006

For a clear, correct, and comprehensive understanding on the true nature of Islam, please watch this movie


It will tell you everything you need to know about Islam’s sick obsession to forcibly convert the world, even if the world is not interested. They are essentially fascists. We thought we had defeated totalitarian ideologies at the end of world war II and with the collapse of communism, but there is still one that poisons the planet: Islamofascism. Take the time to watch this movie, it’s instructive. And if you refuse to watch it, it’s because you’re afraid to face the truth: Islam has a dark side that is putting the world in danger. If you are a peace-loving Muslim, you need to stand up and fight (but of course you would put your life at risk because Islamofascists will consider you as a traitor and slice your throat, so I would understand if you decided to do or say nothing, but then don’t come back to us pretending that all is well and rosy in Islam – this is for Aakafa). Islam has the potential to be a peaceful religion, like all the others are today, but it also contains so much aggressive and intolerant garbage against non-Muslims that one is entitled to wonder if it can be reformed. If it cannot be reformed, it will have to be destroyed as an evil religion because it is putting the world in danger and the world will defend itself by destroying Islam. Not fair for the genuinely peace-loving Muslims, but since they didn’t say or do anything, they will be swept away with the rest of the bad guys.


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