Waging Jihad Against India Is “Absolutely Lawful”

via http://www.memritv.org/report/en/3299.htm#_edn1 published on May 30, 2009

Several prominent Arab Islamic scholars and Mecca imams, have criticized Taliban leader Maulana Sufi Muhammad for saying that the Kashmiri movement is not jihad because it does not seek to enforce Islamic shari’a.[1] Among the critics are leading Sunni cleric Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars[2] and Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sudayyis, imam of Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca.[3]

The following is a summary of statements by these and other prominent figures:

Al-Qaradhawi: ”Kashmir Is Part of the Muslim Ummah, And The Whole Muslim Community Is Like One Body”

Criticizing Sufi Muhammad’s statement, Dr. Yousef Al-Qaradhawi (above left) said that the Kashmiris are fighting jihad against the Indian Army.

He added: ”Kashmir is part of the Muslim ummah, and the whole Muslim community is like one body, and it is its duty to help the Kashmiris to obtain freedom from the Indian aggression.”

Al-Sudayyis: Muslims Should Do Their Part ”To Bring the Kashmiris Out of the Indian Despotism and Autocracy”

Sheikh Abd Al-Sudayyis (above center) said that Muslims must do their part ”to bring the Kashmiris out of the Indian despotism and autocracy, and [Muslims] should join hands with Kashmiris in this crucial situation.”

He added, ”The Indian Army launched genocide by killing innocent children and by raping women; mosques were being demolished and they wanted to impose the secular and blasphemous system in Kashmir,” he added.

Palestinian-Kuwaiti Sheikh Ahmad Al-Qattan: Waging Jihad Against India Is “Absolutely Lawful”

Palestinian-Kuwaiti religious scholar Sheikh Ahmad Qattan said that waging jihad against India is absolutely lawful under Islamic shari’a, and also accused the Indian army of launching genocide by killing children and women in Kashmir,[4] quoting Koranic verses that instruct Muslim believers to wage Jihad.

Sheikh Abdullah Al-Sabil: Kashmiris Are Waging Jihad in Kashmir and Fighting the Enemies of Islam

Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdallah Al-sabil, an imam at the Kaaba, declared in his Friday sermon that India had snatched religious freedom from the Muslims and Kashmiris, and that Kashmiris are waging jihad in Kashmir and fighting against the enemies of Islam.


[1]www.sananews.com.pk, Pakistan, May 5 and May 8, 2009; photo dailymuslims.com.
[2] For more on Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi, see MEMRI TV page for him at http://www.memritv.org/subject/en/589.htm  
[3] For more on Sheikh Al-Sudayyis, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. No. 939, “Friday Sermon By Leading Saudi Imam Al-Sudayyis in Mecca: ‘Oh Allah, Liberate Our Al-Aqsa Mosque… Punish the Occupying Zionists and Their Supporters Among The Corrupt Infidels… Oh Allah, Scatter and Disperse Them,'” July 21, 2005, http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sd&ID=SP93905
[4] For more on Sheikh Ahmad Qattan, see MEMRI TV page for him at http://www.memritv.org/subject/en/784.htm.


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