VHP America strongly condemns the barbaric beheading of Sikhs

via VHP America press release published on February 26, 2010

On behalf of the Hindu American community of USA, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) of America (VHPA) extends its deepest condolences and expresses its heartfelt sympathies to the friends and families of the Sikh victims of this cowardly, barbaric and heinous act committed by Islamic Jihadists, in the F.A.T.A region of Pakistan, around February 21, 2010.

VHPA is appalled and saddened by the beheading of two brave Sikh men, whose beheaded torsos were found, one in Khyber and another in Aurakzai districts of Pakistan. According to security sources in New Delhi, the beheaded Sikhs were reportedly told to convert to Islam or face death. When they refused, they were beheaded. To add further humiliation and to invoke fear among the locals, their heads were disgracefully sent to the Bhai Joga Singh Gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Peshawar.

As per different reports four to six Sikhs were abducted about 34 days prior to the day when the beheaded bodies were found. Two to four Sikhs are still in the custody of these Islamic Jihadists. Another Hindu (non-Sikh) man was kidnapped on February 19, 2010 by unknown Jihadists.

An estimated 10,000 Sikhs lived in the NWFP and in the tribal belt of Pakistan, till the Taliban imposed ‘Jaziya’ or religious tax on Non-Muslims (As per Hadith – a supplement to Islamic sacred book Quran-, a tax on non-believers to follow their faith/religion in Muslim ruled areas), last year. Most members of the community then fled to cities like Peshawar, Lahore and Nankana Sahib across Pakistan, when these Islamic Jihadists took over their properties about eight months ago.

This barbarism, although shocking, is not surprising in that part of the world. Ethnic cleansing of infidels (kafirs), as a result of Islamic invasion of India from 6th century onwards has been part and parcel of the History of the Indian sub-continent. Sikhs had been in the forefront of fighting against the invaders for centuries. More recently, beheading of Daniel Pearl opened the eyes of the West to the barbarism and cruelty of the Jihadi terror.

VHPA shares the distress and grief of the families of the departed souls, and assures them that the Hindus of America stand united with their brothers and sisters in this time of grief and sorrow.

It is an irony that in spite of such blatant acts of terrors repeatedly emanating from Pakistan, Government of India has just started “peace” talks with Pakistan. It is high time that Government of India gives strong signal to Pakistan by suspending all talks with it, till the perpetrators are brought to book.

This is also the time when we must reiterate our resolve to defeat Jihadi terrorism, and the religious inspirations that fuel them, throughout the world.

VHP of America strongly condemns this assault on human dignity perpetrated on the Sikhs and other minorities in Pakistan, by Radical Islamists and Islamic Jihadists and urges the world community to act to ensure that these unprovoked acts of violence are stopped forthwith.

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