US trying to lure India to become partner in counter-terrorism

via K Vijayan published on March 9, 2011

Tiny Tim asks India to partner US in counter-terrorism – IANS; 10-3-11

The Tiny Tim we refer to is the present US Ambassador to India, Timothy J Roemer. The other, and better known Tim, is the crippled boy who rounds up a mawkish Dickens’ story with a “God Bless us everyone!”

This pea-brained US Diplomat starts off telling India that the epicentre of terrorism is located in ASIA. Really?

Not Pakistan whose Jihadi barbarians have launched three wars and countless terror strikes against India, most of it with sophisticated Arms supplied free by his country just for the purpose – “the war against terrorism”.

Not Pakistan where the number of Hindus in their population has come down from 33% to less than 1% in the course of the American Funded Decades of Military and Muhammedan dictatorships.

Not Pakistan which is all set to receive another 7.5bn.US$ for this same “war against terror” from his government.

Maybe the epicentre is located in India, but his innate Christian Courtesy is holding Tim back from mentioning it. India is the Aggressor holding on by force and against the will of its peoples the Muhammedan Nation of Kashmir, the Christian Nations of Arunchal, Nagaland, Mizoram, and the Bongmuslim nation of West Bengal and Assam. Maybe Sharamless Singh has already dialogued these paradigms into US-India Policy.

Just as innate Hindu Courtesy prevents us from telling this Diplomatic Liar that it is his USA which is the Chief Instigator and his Christianity which is the financier behind ALL the world’s turmoil.

India and America cannot be equated as victims of terrorism by comparing 26/11 (which was one of thousands of attacks by jihadis) with one 9/11 by Jihadis against the US. Nor do victims in India and the USA become “world citizens” by falling prey to Jihadis – or Crusaders.

Tiny Brainer does not know that at least one of the major field operatives behind the 26/11 attack on Mumbai was an American Double Agent named Headley?

Looks like another American Snake Oil Salesman (Saanda Thel wala in Hindi) trying to lure India into fighting America’s Wars against humanity for them.

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