UN should standardize Minority Rights

via GSK Menon published on October 5, 2010

The Muslim countries and the Vatican are always demanding rights only for themselves and their protagonists. Minority Rights, Minority Commission, Special reservation, special quotas, prayer rooms, halal meat, right to wear burqa, learn Arabic etc are all demanded as a matter of right. Yet, in their countries there are no reciprocal rights for minorities. They are treated as second class citizens, suppressed and oppressed and either jailed or deported.

The Pope on his recent trip to U.K. has spoken out against “secularism”. He expects his missionary gangs to be accorded all facilities and rights to convert people of other faiths, yet in his own Vatican, he refuses to allow any secular rights. So many christian missionary gangs are operating in India, creating communal discord and tension (eg:Orissa state), huge churches are being constructed in predominantly Hindu localities, vast sums of money are received by evangelists which are neither taxed nor monitored. These funds are utilised for conversion agenda. Will the Vatican permit the Hindus to build a temple there ? Will they permit secularism to function there ?

It is time for the United Nations to ensure a universal implementation of right to any kind of religious belief in any UN recognized country and standardized minority rights to be recognized and implemented in all UN member countries.

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