via Radha Rajan published on January 25, 2012


Doesn’t seem so in Norway

Two babies – one a child of 3 and the other a five month infant still being breast-fed by the mother – are brutally taken away from their parents in May by the Norwegian government.

The reasons given for separating infants from their parents (I refuse to use the garbage phrase “biological parents” because this de-values the mother who has borne the infants in her womb) is becoming increasingly bizarre – from sleeping with their children in the same bed (I have five dogs on the bed with me and I can’t turn an inch thru the night and that’s the way I want it) to not changing diapers with diamond studded gloves to eating with their fingers and lastly one infant is autistic.

Seems to me Norway is lying through its teeth and there is not a voice of protest from any Norwegian citizen since May. Not only were the children torn away from their parents and their parents returned to India, the infants were separated from each other and placed in two different foster homes. One infant was feeding at her mother’s breast for god’s sake. What did the Norwegian rascals give the little one? Chicken soup in a silver bowl and gold spoon?

Until the delinquent Indian government decided to step in the rascally Norwegian court had decided that the mother could see them twice a week for two hours.

The Mother who had carried the children in her womb will get to see her children as per some insane foreign government? And we shameless Indians will all keep quiet? The same bloody court had also decided that the children would be returned to their parents when they were 18! When they would have lost all memory of their parents and their family, their native language, their religion?

And this shameless nation will keep quiet?

Folks! There is not even a whisper of any criminal wrong doing by the parents. Even if there had been then the entire family should have been deported back to India.

So, insane Norway is lying. Two persons have shown us all in recent times what real courage is about – the man who threw the shoe at George Bush and Julian Assange.

The Iraqi journalist who threw the shoe at idiot Bush’s head actually threw it at America’s head for what that country had done to his nation-civilization; and Assange spat on the face of all the white Christian bully nations and their covert operations in every country of the world.

My stomach is turning at the thought of what the young parents must have gone through and their families here.

I can’t do what Assange did but I certainly can do what the Iraqi journalist did. I can throw a shoe at Norway figuratively speaking.

I am throwing my shoe at Norway and I hope all of you will too for what Norway has done to the parents and to the children.

This is the worst form of human rights abuse and child abuse.

 If I remember right the then chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan made a bizarre statement in court when hearing some case when he raised the issue of the fake nun fake rape case and he said he was receiving so many enquiries from abroad about what we are doing to bring the culprits to book.

Well, where is KG Balakrishnan now and the foot-in-mouth Markandey Katju? No statements on this issue? Why this deafening silence from every quarter in the country?

But we have nothing to lose folks except our conscience, our honour and our sense of shame. Start the campaign today against Norway. Raise your voice now and send this articlel across to everyone you know. Start your campaign against Norway here and now in every way you can.


I am throwing my shoe at the map of Norway I have hung in my room.


-         Radha Rajan

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