THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD – American taxpayer’s dollars is at work against India in Pakistan

published on December 25, 2010
Dr. Babu Suseelan

Pakistan is the ideological, financial and training centre of global Jihad terrorism.  Carried on the wings of Saudi, Libyan, and American largess, Pakistan has established thousands of Jihad training schools in occupied Kashmir and remote areas of Pakistan.

America, under Obama administration has transferred billions of dollars to Pakistan since 2010.This week, America has transferred $633 million to Pakistan under the Coalition Support Fund (CSF). The payment covered the first six months of this year, Pakistan had now received approximately 8.76 billion dollars since 2001. American taxpayer’s dollars is at work against India, and the west.

The Pakistan administration is utilizing American taxpayer’s money for training and deploying Jihad terrorists around the world for suicide bombing, planting explosives, burning passenger trains, buses, hijacking and bombing. Pakistan secret service (ISI) is recruiting, training and arming Islamic terrorists from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir in secret terrorist camps in remote areas of Pakistan. The theatre of the absurd is being played in Pakistan with American taxpayer dollars.

Since Islam is inherently violent, more than 100 people are murdered daily in Pakistan by Islamic extremists. Since 2001 violence, bombing, homicide, and terrorists incidents are on the increase in Pakistan. Pakistan diverts American funds for training Islamic jihadists and sends them clandestinely to India and Kashmir state to kill innocent infidels.

In this context, one wonders why American government should divert funds from the treasury to Pakistan to train terrorists. While American schools are starving for taxpayer money for education, President Obama is channeling American taxpayer funds for Pakistani schools to teach America is the source of all misfortunes of the Islamic world.

America is now in a predicament. Pakistan created the dangerous Jihad terrorists group and export abroad for terrorism. The Jihad terror monster is also creating havoc in Pakistan financed by American tax payers. America cannot but finance Pakistan or leave it as it is. Americans are  caught in the theatre of the absurd of their own making, inexorably, the exit is difficult.

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