Thanks giving in the shape of in the shape of rockets and bombs

via Kuru published on January 7, 2009

LETTER TO CHANNEL 4 TV (UK), January 6, 2009.




When Britain partitioned India in 1947 by giving one third of our country to the MUSLIMS (to establish Pakistan) they (the MUSLIMS) did not spare the “infidels” and at once set about massacres, murders, arson, loot, abduction, rape and forcible expulsion of millions. We went through real Holocaust.


We lost two million lives. FIFTEEN MILLION Hindus and Sikhs were FORCED out of their ancestral homes to become refugees in India. But how long did those refugee camps last?


Those few Hindus who stayed back in Pakistan have had to live under primitive & crude Islamic Law while seeing the Pakistanis themselves dump their ‘koran & Islam’ and fleeing their own land in their millions to seek better life in Christian Europe and America.


Had all those Hindu refugees gone into camps and stayed there generation after generation, today those 15 million would have become SIXTY MILLION Hindu refugees and our pastime would have been “madrassas”, building and firing rockets and producing suicide bombers, and stagnating.


Israel, on the other hand, though herself the land of Jews who were driven out of Europe after Holocaust, gave peace and security to the Palestinians who came within her borders. But those who went into refugee camps were meant to move out like the refugees everywhere else on earth.


But these Arabs simply stayed put. They got used to free food and handouts from charities in the West and they got busy REPRODUCING. The refugee camps are still there- SIX DECADES on.


The “refugees” from there are now throwing rockets on Israel to kill the Jews who spared their lives in 1948. It is ISLAMIC way of saying “Thank you.” We ought to know! Our Pandit Nehru gave them one third of India free of cost, and they came again and again to kill (NOT ONLY) in Mumbai.


We think Israel behaved very nicely towards the Arab refugees who, instead of following our examples to move out and get settled anywhere- from Australia to Canada, then decided to stay put in those camps for ever. They have proved to be such a bad dead muddy load that not one Islamic republic on earth is willing to take them in. They have all shut their doors on them.


When they talk of the Arabs’ “right to return” to their original homes, the world ought to insist on the Hindus’ “right to return”, too.


FIFTEEN MILLION Hindu and Sikh refugees of Partition did not have such option at all, nor any friends anywhere. The memory of our ancestral homes in Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi and a hundred other towns and villages in Pakistan has stayed on only in our souls.


How can the world imagine that we, the 15 million Hindu and Sikh refugees of 1947, scattered by bloodthirsty sword of Islam like dry leaves in a storm, are any different from these Palestinians with regard to love of our own ancestral homes and lands?


Had Israel exterminated the Arabs just as Pakistan did to us at Partition, she, too, would have been living in peace today.


There can only be one lesson from the ongoing military operation in Gaza today: Do good to Muslims and get it back in the shape of rockets and bombs.



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