Sydney riots

via HK published on December 16, 2005

Riots in in Sydney which started this week in a beach suburb, continues in the cosmopolitan city of Australia. 

Racial violence flared in Sydney  in apparent retaliation for earlier clashes in which a mob of 5,000 white youths chanted abuse and attacked people of Middle Eastern origin.

Tensions have been simmering for years between the two groups, exacerbated by the campaign against terrorism All that was needed to turn all these tensions into violence was a spark and that was the bashing of two young Cronulla lifeguards two weeks ago by a group of Lebanese.

A series of high profile criminal cases involving Muslims, especially the gang rape of young Sydney girls in 2000 by Muslim men and recent terrorist trials of Muslims, has deepened the divide. In recent years, Arab-Muslim youths have angered surfers by driving their hotted up cars to the beach to show off and sometimes illegally race. Local beach girls complain of verbal abuse when they reject approaches from Arab-Muslim youths.

Muslims are only 2% of the population in Australia

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