Successful demonstration by several Indian organizations in New York against Islamic Terrorism

published on December 22, 2008

NEW York (Dec 21, 2008) :  200 people representing 40 organizations from New York and New Jersey braved inclement weather with a defiant spirit to highlight scourge of terrorism and Pakistan’s role as an epicenter of World Terrorism.  The event was a boisterous Solidarity demonstration in front of the United Nations from 1:00 P. M. to 3:00 P. M.


Recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai on innocent citizens from India , US, Britain and Israel weighed heavily on the minds of the demonstrators.  The demonstrators clearly pointed out Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as the executioners and financiers of the worldwide terrorism respectively.


The demonstrators demanded that the world bodies take action against Pakistan and Saudi Arabia for their complicity in Mumbai attacks.  They were calling attention to the funding from Saudi Arabia with Pakistan ’s ISI providing training and foot soldiers to spread terrorism in India .   They demanded economic sanctions against Pakistan and Saudi Arabia , dissolution of Pakistan ’s Secret service agency ISI, seizure of the assets of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to pay for their crimes against humanity and bringing their agents to trial at the International Court .


The demonstrators which included people as old as 80 years and as young as 10 years and had a good representation of women, carried colorful placards like

·       Terrorism: All Roads  Lead To Pakistan

·       Expose Pakistan’s Duplicity In The War On Terror

·       Hindus Against Terrorism

·       Jihadi Terror In Mumbai Can Happen In Chicago

·       Pakistan Is A Rogue State

·       Radical Islam Is A Global Problem

·        Denuclearize Pakistan 

·        How Many More Mumbais Will It Take For The Indian Government To Act?

They also carried a poignant poster with the picture of the slain Jewish couple,

Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka Holtzberg , with a caption: 

“They and their colleagues were inhumanely tortured – Is it a crime to be a Jew?”


Moving in an orderly fashion they chanted, ‘Who is funding terrorism?’ Saudi Arabia , Down with Pakistan , Pakistan , a failed state, stop aid to Pakistan , Radical Islam is the worldwide problem, etc. 


The demonstrators were cheered on by passing motorists and pedestrians.  The group stood at silence in the memory of the victims of the Mumbai terrorist attacks and the brave police officers and NSG commandos who laid down their lives to protect the citizens held hostage by the Pakistan sponsored terrorists.


Gaurang Vaishnav , a spokesperson of the Tristate Indians, said that it was important that countries such as US, Britain , Israel and India come together to evolve a strategy to root out the terrorism. Dr. Radharaman Upadhyay , another spokesperson said that the world will be devoured by the python of Islamic terrorism unless it takes effective steps now to counter it.  He lamented that so far the world has seen only the radical and violent face of Islam and it was up to the practitioners of Islam to prove otherwise.


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