Sri P. Parameswaram, Hindu of The Year 2010

published on June 4, 2010


KAUAI, HI, USA, June 3, 2010: To raise India to the heights Vivekananda spoke of is no easy task, but that is the defining thread of P. Parameswaram’s life. Hinduism Today awarded this extraordinary man the Hindu Renaissance Award for 2010, naming him the Hindu of the Year.

Becoming the recipient of this prestigious award is a result of his dedication to fulfilling a vision of a strong India forged in Hindu wisdom and strengthened by dharma. His accomplishments as a creative thinker, tireless social worker and peerless leader overseeing many institutions inspire Hindus across the globe.

As a thinker, a philosopher, a reformer and current president of Vivekananda Kendra, P. Parameswaran strives to defend both India and Hinduism, which to him are inseparably linked. He founded several institutions that contribute to this vision.

In 1997, in recognition of his effort in teaching the principles of Hinduism, Parameswaran was awarded the Bhaiji Hanuman Prasad Poddar Award instituted by Bada Bazaar Library of Calcutta. In 2000, he was made a member of the Court of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. In 2002, he was awarded the Amritha Keerthi Puraskar cultural award by Sri Matha Amrithananda Mayi Mutt for outstanding service to society. In 2004, the President of India awarded him the prestigious Padma Shri Indias greatest honor for civilians.

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