Sri Lankan Tamil Hindu housemaid was forced to swallow nails

via Gulf Daily News published on November 15, 2010

Colombo: In a shocking incident, a Sri Lankan Hindu housemaid has alleged that her employer in Jordan’s capital Amman forced her to swallow six nails with water.

D M Chandima, who had gone to Amman a month ago, charged that she was beaten and forced to swallow nails by her employer.

“I took her to hospital. The doctor who examined her asked us to take some X-rays. The report revealed that there were six nails in her stomach. We were told, however, that she will pass out the nails,” Hemantha Wijeratne, Head of Labour section of the Sri Lankan embassy in Amman, told local weekly The Sunday Leader.

Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau officials said that they await the doctors’ report who reached yesterday Amman from Colombo to examine the victim.

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