Sree Krishna Jayanthi – Kerala will be Converted into a Ambadi Today

By With inputs TNIE published on August 24, 2016


Hindus in Kerala will celeberate Sree Krishna Jayanthi today with great devotion.The festival of Krishna Janmashtami is the celebration of Lord Krishna’s birthday. Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is a unique character in Hindu history. He was naughty in his childhood days and proved to be a profound philosopher in his adulthood as illustrated by the Bhagwad Geeta.

In Kerala Janmashtami is celebrated in colorful manner befitting the status of a national festival under Balagokulam across the state . The Shobhayatras, the colourful procession, is attended by not only the children but also the whole society. The message of the legendary proponent of Gita is spread among the people through bhajans, story, discourses, speeches etc. Tableau of Sree Krishna’s balaleela add colour to the beauty of the Shobhayatras. The strength of Janmashtami Shobhayatras increased with the increase in the popularity of the organization and the people’s interest and participation in it.

Balagokulam, which has been organising  Sreekrishna Jayanthi celebrations in the state for the last 40 years  is planning big this time,  with several steps  to  sensitise people on the environmental front.
And the campaign with the tagline ‘Saplings to Provide Shade and Beat the Heat’ will be carried out through Balagokulam’s 2,113 units across the state. Most significantly, it will ask the people to avoid using flex boards and use only cloth banners.

“We are sending out the message that it is high time to think green. We have experienced an unprecedented heat wave this year. By reducing the use of plastic we can bring check pollution to a certain level,” said V Harikumar, Balagokulam state organising secretary.
According to him, the planting of saplings was a major feature of the programmes to be held as part of Sreekrishna Jayanthi celebrations on August 24. And during the flag hoistings at all the centres, saplings will be planted to depict Sreekrishna as a lover of nature.Compared to last year, this year’ s emphasis will be on making every Sobha Yathra a mega event.
Harikumar said this time they plan to stage 7,500 to 10,000 SobhaYathras across the state.
Social leaders and saintly men and intellectuals come forward to grace and address the programmes of Balagokulam. More than 20 lacs (2 million) including children and elders took part in last years Shobha yatras.
Sreekrishna Jayanthi processions in Kerala became a source of inspiration for other states also and this celebration has gained momentum in those places and encouraged to start Balagokulam units there. Even Gulf countries have followed suit in the recent years and enthusiastic parents there celebrate Sreekrishnajayanthi in the most befitting way setting example to others.

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