Sikhs produce Awareness Film against Love Jihad in UK

published on November 29, 2012

Film produced by Sikhs with Times journalist Andrew Norfolk
Press Release

 In response to the Deputy Children’s Commissioner’s interim report on child exploitation – a film documentary produced by the Sikh Awareness Society (UK) in conjunction with Times journalist Andrew Norfolk to highlight the targeting of White,Sikh and Hindu girls by Pakistani grooming gangs in the UK
The Sikh Awareness Society UK in conjunction with Times journalist Andrew Norfolk has produced a hard-hitting film documentary to highlight the sexual targeting of White,Sikh and Hindu girls by Pakistani grooming gangs in the UK.
We have felt compelled to produce this documentary in light of the recent interim report on child exploitation by the Deputy Children’s Commissioner Sue Berelowitz – which we feel totally whitewashed this issue – as well as to challenge Government/Police silence on this matter.
We intend a mass distribution of this film to raise awareness and to help counter the incompetence shown in tackling this abuse by the Government and Police.
Please click on the below link to view the film:!
We feel that there is a minority of males in particularly the Pakistani community who hold religiously-prejudiced views against non-Muslim girls whom they see as cheap sexual playthings.This has lead to cases of rape and abuse of these girls without any feelings of remorse or guilt from the perpetrators of these crimes.
Even though the numbers of Pakistani males involved are a minority when compared to the community as a whole – the damage done to community relations is vastly disproportionate and leading to communal tensions in the UK.
Many Sikhs and Hindus in the UK also feel angered when media reports quite often describe the perpetrators of these crimes as ‘Asian’ – when neither Sikhs or Hindus were involved in those particular cases.
Growing concerns within the Sikh and Hindu communities led to a joint statement released in May 2012 by theNetwork of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK – see below report:
As a consequence of this joint statement Sue Berelowitz the Deputy Children’s Commissioner invited a delegation of Sikh and Hindu community representatives to attend a meeting at the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in London in August 2012 to discuss these concerns. This meeting took place before the completion of Sue Berelowitz’s interim report and whilst we were assured that our concerns would be raised with ‘key people at the Home Office’ – to our disappointment there was no mention of these issues in her interim report and three months later there has been no contact from the Home Office.
The Government and Police’s politically-correct refusal to admit to a pattern of abuse evident from recent cases we feel is directly responsible for adding to the support of far-right groups such as the BNP and the EDL. A disturbing outcome of this can be found in recent media reports highlighting the English Defence League as attempting to hijack the issue of the grooming of Sikh and Hindu girls – see below reports from June 2012:

The Conservative MP for Keighley – Kris Hopkins and Lord Patel of Bradford have both recently echoed our concerns – see below report from November 2012:

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