Shambo – TB or not TB: That is the question

via Hindu Human Rights Press Release published on May 12, 2007

Skanda Vale (UK):It has come to the attention of HHR that the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has issued a notification of slaughter of a bull residing in the Skanda Vale Temple  due to having contracted bovine tuberculosis.


HHR calls upon the Government to consider the right to life of the animal and to consider every other alternative before acting on its policy of outright slaughter, especially since the voiceless bull, called Shambo, is not intended to enter the food chain and is cared for by the Hindu community in Skanda Vale.


If, however every other treatment alternative has been exhausted and the health hazard still remains substantial, then we call upon the Hindu community to reflect on the message of Bhagavad-Gita to detach themselves from their emotions and be objective about the situation, and think about the greater good of society.


At the same time we encourage both the worldwide media and the Hindu communities that have highlighted this issue so ardently to apply the same attention in highlighting the issues of persecution of Hindus going on currently in places like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia and the Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir and Nagaland.


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