Samam, Danam, Bhedam, Dandam- The American Way

via Manoj published on November 9, 2010

For Americans, their own self interest is their bible. They will do whatever is required without any moral hang-ups to achieve what is good for themselves. US government consists of individuals of very high caliber unlike India where politicians of peanut sized brain are ruling. Americans will try all methods namely Samam (Friendship,Brainwashing), Danam (Military Aid to the country or Bribe to the ruler), Bhedam(Threatening, Brainwashing) and Danda (Punishment, Slow poisoning).

Examples: Pakistan is controlled by Danam & Bhedam. Saudi Arabia through Samam & Danam. Japan & Germany after the world war through Danda and Danam. All of Africa through Danam. Normally they will have their CIA phsycologists draw up profiles of a nation’s rulers and people and then they will devise their strategies to control that nation and people. As per declassified documents, in case of Germany and Japan, Americans made extensive study to determine why Germans and Japanese behave the way they do. The only times they have failed is against Vietnam and now against Iraq. China knows all these games and is countering it with their own moves. Iran has learned this same game and is playing against Americans in a beautiful way. Russia under Putin does the same. Except naive and foolish Indians.

Americans are controlling India through Samam, Danam, Bhedam and Dandam. When India tests any advance weaponery it is Dandam. Against Indira Gandhi it was Dandam. After BJP made nuclear tests they decided to bring India under total control. Hence they brought their western agent Maino Madam to rule India. Through her and the current slave government they are trying their best to kill India’s nuclear and defence Industry. They are trying to brainwash the people through the Media which they own and through the NGO’s which they control.

This is the method of Bhedam. Obama visit is just a part of this game. Only naive and brain-dead Indians will get carried away about Obama’s visit.

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