Protest in support of Dr Swamy in Newyork

published on October 17, 2011


A Protest Demonstration was successfully organized by Indian Americans under the banner of Indian American Intellectuals Forum, Save India from Corruptions and several other associations in New York on Sunday, October 16th,  to express their disgust and abhorrence against the unwarranted harassment of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, President, Janata Party and a prominent Indian leader who has emerged as the embodiment of resistance against totalitarian and corrupt system.


The protesters,  many of whom flew from Chicago and drove 250-300 miles from neighboring states, carried  banners saying “Sonia Gandhi – Shame, Shame”, “Down with Sonia Gandhi”,  and Save Dr. Swamy – Save Indian Democracy”.  They shouted slogans:  “Mother of Corruption – Sonia Gandhi”, “Sonia Gandhi – Fake Gandhi”  and “Congress Hatao – Desh Bachao”.


A copy of the Memorandum submitted to the Consulate General of India , New York was distributed to the media.  The Memorandum, inter alia, said that:


India is neither a Banana Republic nor a fiefdom of any Dynasty.  It is a full-fledged and vibrant democracy in which freedom of diverse views is constitutionally guaranteed to all the citizens.


Dr. Swamy is being hounded by the Governmental agencies for exposing corruption in high places and for writing an article three months ago in an Indian newspaper in which he had expressed his views as to how to solve the problem of Islamic terror in India.  In that article he had also appealed to all the Hindus to unite against the challenge of Islamic terrorism.


“It is a matter of great regret and shame that truthful, bold and honest Indian leaders like Dr. Subramanian Swamy are being threatened by Congress volunteers and Jihadists”, the Memorandum stated.


The Memorandum also listed the series of attacks on Dr. Swamy’s residence, office and on him in Madurai .


“The intent behind all the above insidious activities is to muzzle Dr. Swamy’s voice, vilify him in the eyes of public and ultimately put him in jail”.


Narain Kataria, one of the organizer of the Protest said that “We are afraid that once Dr. Swamy is put in jail, sinister attempts would be hatched to immobilize him physically as well as mentally for ever.”


The protest was recorded and broadcast live on worldwide net.  It has been seen by thousands of people and can be watched at:


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