Protest Against Unfair/Biased Article by New York Times against Modi

published on September 22, 2013

Dear Editor,

I would like to bring to your attention that the above article published in your esteemed paper on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 is factually incorrect. The link to the article is provided below.

Your paper quotes (in Italics) and my response are as follows:

“India’s most important election in a generation began in earnest this month the same way consequential elections nearly always start here — with a proclamation and a deadly riot.”

Firstly, the premise that nearly every consequential election in India starts with a Proclamation and Deadly Riots is totally wrong. Given the ENORMITY of the election process and the Diversity of India’s population and landscape, India has held mostly peaceful elections. There have been stray cases of booth capturing and other ballot stuffing, and rarely had election related violence in the last 63 years.

“But critics also say he and his Hindu nationalist party have benefited from past violence between Hindus and Muslims, using it to paper over Hindus’ historic differences over caste and get them to vote as a bloc along religious lines.”

The Hindus have historically never voted as a bloc along religious lines . However, the non hindus have always resorted to voting as a bloc due to the scare mongering by various parties including the current ruling coalition headed by the Indian National Congress. The party itself is presided by an Individual of Non Indian Origin.

If the Hindus had actually voted as a bloc, India would have never had current levels of Jihadist Terrorism and current decay in society best exemplified by the unimaginable financial plunder and corruption scandals.

The country is being torn apart by Radical Islamist fundamentalists and Jihadists on one hand and by financial mismanagement on the other.

Unlike in the USA, where many politicians and Islamist terrorists have been sent to Jail for various crimes committed by them; In India, the courts find it difficult to even prosecute anyone, let alone convict due to the connivance of the ruling parties and the perpetrators of crime. This has been primarily caused by the politics of appeasement followed by the Indian National Congress and parties of similar ilk, who have ruled Indian for most part of the 63 years since first elections in 1951-52.

In a country of 1250 Millions, the 80% Hindus have to watch while others are feted. In actual truth, the Hindus tax money and temple donations are lavished on the so called Minorities in India, which in turn is funnelled into terrorist activities by them.

“Not coincidentally, mass rioting broke out last week in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous and politically important state, ”

The violence in India broke out three weeks ago, before Narendra Modi was anointed as a Prime Ministerial Candidate of BJP.

“By choosing Mr. Modi, a fiery orator who once peppered his speeches with anti-Muslim slurs, the Bharatiya Janata Party has raised the prospect that this election could be the deadliest in decades.”

BJP eschews violence and the coalition of parties ruling at the center and in sensitive states have the powers of the government machinery to control violence at all times.
The Hindus have historically adopted the principle of AHIMSA and eschewed violence. The nomination of any leader should not give reason for anyone to become violent. Muslims in Gujarat have rated themselves to be the safest in Gujarat. Hate mongers elsewhere and those who perceive threats to their positions are speculating and spreading these canards.

“Hindus make up roughly 80 percent of India’s population and Muslims 13 percent, a share about equal to that of blacks in the United States. ”

These numbers are incorrect. In actuality the Muslims and Christians together are about 25% of Indian population. The muslims are the fastest growing segment.

“Sushil Kumar Shinde, India’s minister of Home Affairs, said that there had already been 451 cases of sectarian violence this year, surpassing last year’s total of 410. He warned that violence was likely to intensify as elections approached.”

Most of the cases of sectarian violence takes place in states ruled by Indian National Congress and their supporting parties. Usually the spark is ignited by the actions of muslims who know that they will be protected by the Congress party and its cohorts.

“In 2002, less than a year after he was appointed the state’s chief minister, riots swept Gujarat and killed more than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims.”

The violence in Gujarat in 2002 was planned by criminal elements of the society before Narendra Modi was appointed Chief Minister and occurred within a week of his taking over. It was under his able leadership that the violence of this nature was brought under control. The world only talks about the Muslims who died in this violence, but one should also not forget that over 600 Hindus were killed in this carnage where Mothers were skewered, children set afire and fathers hacked to pieces by anti social elements.

“Mr. Modi will face off against the Indian Congress Party, which has yet to name its candidate for prime minister.”

The BJP will face off against Indian National Congress and they had already named Rahul Gandhi as its candidate for prime minister. Mr. Narendra Modi, who has led the BJP in Gujarat thru Growth and Progress oriented policies will be the face of BJP in the coming elections.

May the best party and its leaders win. But your esteemed paper should verify facts before publishing them. The writer and the contributor in this article need to exercise more diligence than write somone else’s article…

And lastly, kindly insert a comment column at the end of any article, so that people can express their opinions.

Thank you for your time..

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