Peaceful Vigil in front of Ground Zero in New York on 9/11

published on September 15, 2009

Report from Narain Kataria

Facing gusty winds and heavy rains members of Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI), an apex body of 35 organizations listed below, staged a peaceful vigil in front of Ground Zero in New York on 9/11/2009. 

HRCARI members – Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Sikhs and secular leaders gathered there to mourn the loss of all victims of Radical Islam – from the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, from Mumbai to Madrid, Lockerbie to London, Bali to Beslan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, from Somalia to Sudan, from Iraq to Israel, from the sailors on the USS Code to the Coptic Christians in Egypt, and from Kenya to Kashmir.

This multi-ethnic, diverse, rainbow coalition for human rights demanded American government officials, President Barak Obama  and the mainstream media to connect the dots and report the truth about Radical Islam’s worldwide assault on human rights ( including  mass murders and suicide bombings, hanging of gays, stoning women, honor killings, suppression of free speech, etc.) .

HRCARI also demanded the governments to take appropriate action to protect the civilized world and to slow, if not stop, the spread of Islamic Supremacism; this oppressive, bigoted, homophobic, misogynist, racist and violent doctrine which has spawned so much death and destruction.

The volunteers carried various posters saying “Since 9/11 Radical Islam has committed 11,961 attacks and killed 75,038 and injured 115,255 people”, “Stop billions of Saudi oil money funding worldwide to Radical Islam”,  etc.

“The root cause of the murder and mayhem in Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Kashmir, Madrid, Mumbai, Beslan, Bali, Manila, USA, UK and other parts of the world is Radical Islam.  Radical Islam is the greatest threat to human civilization.  We should recognize the gravity of this threat”, warned Dr. Marvin Belsky of HRCARI.

Andrew Upton from the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam spoke of the difficulty in challenging an intolerant, bigoted , hate-filled and violent political doctrine when it hides behind the veil of religion; especially in America where tolerance of religious beliefs is so important to so many of us.  Yet he emphasized the importance of unveiling the terrible truth about this doctrine as he recalled standing and watching in horror from just one block away as the second plane struck the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.

Narrating the tragic story of the death and destruction wrought by Radical Islam, Rajinder Singh Khalsa, President, Sikh Recognition Trust said:  “Our Ninth Guru Shri Teg Bahadur Singh ji was killed by Radical Islam and our Tenth Guru’s two sons also were bricked alive in the walls by Radical Islamists.

One of the organizer of the Vigil, Narain Kataria said: “Radical Islamic preaches an ideology that  is intolerant, exclusive, oppressive, totalitarian, violates human rights of others, and is incompatible with American Constitution.  Radical Islam has unleashed a war on humanity.  For the survival and protection of humanity as a whole, it is absolutely essential for the civilized governments and  the United Nations to nip in bud this totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion.

Bhupinder Singh Bhurji, Chairman of Namdhari Sikh Foundation, USA said:  “What happened on 9/11 in New York has been happening for the hundreds of years in our country of origin – India .   A couple of months ago thousands of our Hindu and Sikh brothers were asked to pay special tax (jazia) by Talibans in Pakistan .  When they refused to pay the Dhimmi tax, their houses were ransacked, burnt and their businesses destroyed.  According to a report in yesterday’s Times of India , as a result of torture and brutalization by Talibans, more than 5000 Hindus and Sikhs have fled Pakistan .

What America is doing now in Afghanistan , we Sikhs had done it 200 years ago and taught a befitting lesson to terrorists from Afghanistan .  We Sikhs organized our army under Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Lion of Punjab, and pushed all the Islamic invaders back to Afghanistan .  Under our Commander Hari Singh Nalva we attacked Afghanistan and defeated them and broke their backbone.  We built a very powerful human wall on the western  front of India and insulated India from foreign attacks for ever.


Arish Sahani, one another member of HRCARI informed the audience that during the last 8 years, more than 13,000 terrorist attacks have taken place all over the world in which thousands of innocent men, women and children have been murdered.  Referring to ethnic cleansing of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Christians from Islamic nations, Mr. Sahani said that during the last 60 years, Hindu population in Pakistan has been reduced from 23 to 1%,  and it has been brought down from 30% to 7-8% in Bangladesh.

Dr. Vasudev Murthy, Mohinder Singh Gulati, a businessman, Kamal Pandey, Sher Bahadur Singh of Nepalese Foundation, , Bidyut Sarkar of International Foundation of Bangladeshi Hindus, Satya Dosapati, Pabitra Choudhury and other activists also expressed their outrage and disgust against Radical Islam.

The Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam includes:

9/11 Families for a Secure America
ACT for America, Long Island & Manhattan
AISH Center
Alliance of Interfaith Resistance
American Coptic Union
American Center for Democracy
Americans for Peace & Tolerance
Arabs for Israel
Center for Security Policy
Chinese Community Relations Council(CCRC)
Clarion Fund
Damanga( Darfur Muslims)
David Project
Foundation of Nepalese
Global Movement Against Radical Islam
Hasbara Fellowships
Hindu Human Rights Watch
Indian-American Intellectuals Forum
Institute for Religion & Democracy
International Foundation of Bangladeshi Hindus
Jewish Action Alliance
Mothers Against Terrorism
Muslims Against Sharia
Namdhari Sikh Foundation
R.E.A.L Courage
Security & Law Society, Fordham University School of Law
Sikh Recognition Trust
Stand With Us
Sudan Freedom Walk
The Intelligence Summit
The United Nationalist Nepalese (UNN)
Women United: Code Red
Zionist Organization of America

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