Overseas Congress withdraws $100 Million Libel Law Suit filed against Kataria et al, aimed at exposing truth about Sonia Gandhi

via Press Release published on October 4, 2008

                           Finally the truth has prevailed




In a bizarre turn of events, Karasik & Associates, attorneys for Indian National Overseas Congress, a subsidiary of Indian National Congress, headed by Sonia Gandhi, in INOC v. Kataria, et al. served a Notice of Discontinuance in the above-named action to Justice Emly Jane Goodman of the Supreme Court of New York on September 29, 2008. The Notice of Discontinuance tantamounts to an unconditional surrender by the Congress Party and could be construed as a victory of Dharmic forces.  In actuality, the hearing in this case, originally, was scheduled to be held October 2,  2008 .


The prominent Law Firm of Kornstein, Veisz, Wexler & Pollard represented Narain Kataria, Arish Sahani and Indo Caribbean Council. The stipulation between the attorneys of the two parties was agreed to, signed and stamped in the Court on October 2, 2008.  Prior to this last month a similar case filed by INOC in New Jersey Court against Sunanda Thali, Satyanarayana Dosapati, Naresh Sharma, and Mahatma Gandhi International Foundation, Inc., was summarily dismissed by the Judge who found that the Plaintiff had no locus standi in filing such a frivolous case.


It is a matter of great happiness for all NRIs, particularly Hindus,  that the famous adage from Vedic literature Satya Mev Jayate -Truth shall always prevail, once again, prevailed in New York and New Jersey Courts, on the Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi!


In this connection, it should be noted that the INOC had filed these two lawsuits on the alleged grounds that Kataria, Sahani et al had defamed President of Indian National Congress, Sonia Gandhi, by bringing out a full page advertisements in The New York Times, dated October 6, 2007.  Some extracts from that advertisement are as follows:


“UN’s declaration of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday on October 2nd as the International Non-Violence Day is commendable.  However, instead of a true Gandhian delivering his message of peace and non-violence, Sonia Gandhi who is not a representative of Gandhian values is chosen.


“Sonia Maino Gandhi is NOT related to Mahatma Gandhi.  She is attempting to misappropriate his name for political mileage and international legitimacy.


“Sonia is known to be vindictive and undemocratic.  Her party uses various mechanisms, such as tax raids, direct threats to subjugate opposition. (“Know your Sonia” by Dr. Subramanian Swamy, visiting Harvard Professor)


“Due to her party’s pro-terrorist policies, India has second highest  number of terrorism victims after Iraq.  Her Government is requesting clemency to Afzal Guru, the mastermind of attack on Indian Parliament.  In pursuit of Muslim vote bank, she has created soft borders and turned a blind eye towards Islamic fundamentalism.


“Her husband Rajiv Gandhi is alleged to have received payments from KGB.  According to Schweizer, Illustrierte, Rajiv has a secret Swiss Bank account of 2 billion dollars.  Her son Rahul projected as next Prime Minister of India, was detained by FBI with large unaccounted cash at BostonAirport in 2001.  (Swiss magazine  Schweizer, Illustrierte 11/1991, Indo Asian News Service).


“Her party was involved in the UN Oil for Food Scam that helped Saddam Hussain.  She was involved in numerous scams, scandals and controversies.  Before entering India, she was an au-pair with modest means.  Since then, she and her family members have amassed millions through questionable means.  (Know Your Sonia by India First Foundation) 


The purpose of these cases, it is believed, was to silence the voice of the critics of Sonia Gandhi through her surrogates, stifle the voice of freedom, make defendants financially bankrupt, frighten them into submission, and suppress the truth.


It is also worthwhile to mention here that these two cases had generated an inquisitive interest in media, a sense of unity and brotherhood among Indian Diaspora, particularly Hindus and Sikhs, who had organized fund raisers and established Hindu Support Fund to defray attorneys’ fees and other related expenses to be incurred in these cases.


It is a matter of great satisfaction and joy that the Right of Free Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment of American Constitution has been upheld by the judges and the sinister designs of enemies of freedom of speech, actuated by the malicious desire to muzzle the voice of free speech, truth, and vilify the defendants,  have been nipped in the bud.


For further information, please visit:  www.HinduSupportFund.com.

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