Nepalic dreams of commies!

via HK Correspondent published on April 24, 2006

The Left front suddenly seem to have a lot to say about the crisis in Nepal. 

Mr. Yechury and the left bandwagon seem to be quite interested in getting the Maoist rebels to be part of the government in Nepal. This is but natural considering that their ideological motherland is China. 

Ever since the UPA government came to power the naxal movement in India seem to have a free run spreading over 13 states. The strengthening of the Maoist movement in Nepal was to have been expected.  With Tibet under Chinese occupation and if the Maoists came to power in Nepal, there is no second guess as to who would be the happiest of them all. The naxal movement in India has in the past few months put up some daring attempts to disrupt harmony in the country. And the government inability to do anything simply points fingers at the communist establishment.  

I hope the communist keep in mind as to what happened to the naxal movement in Kerala. Also the naxal revolt against the West Bengal government that shot down farmers in the late sixties. India has been silently watching the developments in Nepal without helping either party. In the meantime Nepal has been supplied ammunition my China and Pakistan. Infact even the Maoist rebels are supported by China whose only goal is the disintegration of Hindu Kingdom of Nepal. 

Even after the King has offered to hand over power to the public the seven party alliances is not ready to relent. This simply being the fact that once the mob is dispersed then they will not be able to bring the back again. The Maoist must know better on how to control mobs. Hope they remember how mobs brought down the old Soviet Union. The communist who are now accusing the Nepali king for the shooting of protesters are mum on the matter on Tiananmen Square and the brutal take over of Tibet. They are also silent on the public unrest that was brought down a few months ago in the urban areas of china. 

Its time the Left brigade is challenged with facts and the facts are brought to the notice of the public and more importantly to people of the poorer areas around the country where the mass is brain washed with lies by the commie instructors.

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