Narain Kataria ji’s death is an irreparable loss to the entire Hindu world – RSS Sah Sarkaryavah Datta Hosabale

via Press Release published on November 5, 2015

Condolence message of Shri Datta Hosabale, Sah Karyavah, RSS:Nov, 4, 2015

I’m saddened to read the very shocking news of the demise of Shri Narain Kataria ji this early morning. My deep condolences to his family. Narain Kataria ji’s death is an irreparable loss to the entire Hindu world.

Narain Kataria ji was a relentless crusader for the cause of anything that was related to Hindu interest. A survivor of the holocost of the Partition of Bharat, he had made the democratic fight for Hindus his life mission.

Though old by age, he was young in his thoughts, spirits and action that would shame even youngsters.

He, being a warrior for Dharma, founded, along with his friends and associates, a few fora to carry on various public activities which have become dependable supporters and shelters in US for Hindus world over. He was a very kind, affable and lovable human being. He practiced the message of Bhagavad Geeta in life in every aspect. He was a jnan yoddha, a karmayogi and a stitapragna. It is nigh impossible to fill the void created by his passing away. The fate has turned the coming Deepavali a dark one.

During my visits to USA I had met him on several occasions and also participated in programs organized by him and enjoyed his hospitality. Recently I had a telephonic conversation with him.

 I, on behalf of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, and millions of Swayamsevaks, with a heavy heart pay tributes- shraddhanjali- to this great son of Bharatmata and pray the almighty to bestow sadgati on the departed soul.

Om Shantih.
 Sah Sarkaryavah, RSS

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