Marxist Academic Sree Sreenivasan Working Against Indian Interest

via Narain Kataria published on October 7, 2009

According to The Times of India dated October 7, 2009 (article attached), ISI of Pakistan has given an option to the surrendered Taliban either to go to jail or join Jihad against India .  This is a very dangerous and frightening news.

On the one hand, Pakistan is deadly determined to destabilize and balkanize India with the help of sleeper cells in India and Taliban in Pakistan, and on the other hand, one far left  Dhimmi from Columbia University, New York, Sree Sreenivasan of South Asian Journalists Association, with Hindu sounding name, is encouraging Indian journalists to write stories for the promotion of American Pakistan Foundation.

Please note that there are two  types of dhimmis:
(i) kafirs who become apologists for Islam, fear and defer to it and seek Islamic favor; and
(ii) the subjugated dhimmis who suffer insult, humiliation, torture and brutalities under political Islam.

It is also a matter of great disgust that Sree Sreenivasan is misusing the resources of Indian journalists.  He has to be stopped in his sinister design to harm India .
Thousands of Jai Chands and Man Singhs are masquerading as sheep in wolves clothing in our society to befool us, misleads us, weaken us and finally destroy us from within. 

Hindus should put a system in place to keep a watch on wolves in sheep’s clothing, expose them, discredit them and boycott them socially.By the way,  Communist Party cardholder Sree Sreenivasan is the son of a former Ambassador of India to USA , Mr. T.P. Sreenivasan.


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