Malice attempt of Outlook to defame Narendra Modi gets Tit for Tat reply from active netizen

published on March 23, 2012

Nagpur/ Gandhinagar, March 22: Nationalist Netizen group running have smacked Outlook for its ‘25 Questions’ to Narendra Modi. It its 5 March issue, Outlook asked questions under the title, “Dear Narendrabhai, Could you please……answer some questions?”. has battered all the hype which Outlook thought it would create through this questionnaire.

Outlook, in the intro of this questionnaire said that, “For 10 years, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi has chosen to answer with silence—and election victories—the many questions about his role or lack of it in the Gujarat carnage of 2002. He has walked out of TV interviews, glared at interviewers, and sidestepped every court stricture. About the only time he sat down with an interrogator was when he faced a member of the SIT in March 2010; his responses are now in the public domain. But Modi still hasn’t answered many key questions.”

This effort of maintaining a cloud of suspicion about Narendra Modi of Outlook has put Indian Media in a galore of suspicion again. The hypocrisy, adamancy and dishonesty about the soul of journalism are evident in such much hyped and continuous efforts of Indian Media to demonize Narendra Modi.

Continuous efforts are being done to destabilize Narendra Modi and Gujarat Government by so called rights activists like Teesta Setalvad. Former aide of Teesta Setalvad has exposed her conspiracy to vilify and stigmatize Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the cases of riots. Rais Khan Pathan’s testimony before the Court discloses how Teesta Setalvad, a self proclaiming Human Rights activists twisted the truth and misguided the Judiciary and the Nation for years, only to execute a single point agenda to vilify Narendra Modi.

 Group of young netizens has initiated a website, which has exposed Gujarat riot related myths and false propaganda. The group claims, “The testimony was meant to be confidential but that has not prevented media outlets from leaking stories based on it. Here we are answering all of the questions raised.

The Group has also challenged the Media saying that, “After answering all the questions, we will ask a lot of questions to not just Outlook, but the entire media. Will they be ready to answer those? Before that, let everyone, especially Outlook, see Our Challenge,”

The answers each question in a very systematic and in descriptive style. He has corrected Outlook’s blunder of facts.

On a question, “Mr Modi, in an interview on March 1, 2002, to Zee TV you said about the post-Godhra riots, “A chain of action and reaction is going on. We want that neither should there be action, nor reaction.” Don’t such statements echo the ‘earth-shaking’ rationalisations offered by Rajiv Gandhi after the 1984 riots,” reacts, “The exact words are “Kriya pratikriya chal raha hein. Hum chahte hein kin na kriya ho na pratikriya ho”. How can such a statement be rationalizing the riots? This was just a statement in a long interview. This is nothing like the lie concocted by Times of India first on 2nd March 2002 misquoting the Chief Minister as having said “Every Action has equal and opposite reaction”. This lie was copied and further carried on by almost all the media, including weekly Outlook. “Every action has equal and opposite reaction”.

It is also commented that, far from Narendra Modi giving any provocative statement, it is media, especially newspapers like Times of India and Outlook who inflamed the situation by lying and misquoting a big and important Chief Minister as quoting Newton’s third law, not being able to prove it ever, and not even publishing Narendra Modi’s denials ever since.

Since today they cannot accuse Narendra Modi of having said that “Every action has equal and opposite reaction” since that lie has been conclusively rebuked and also been clarified by Narendra Modi in his leaked answers to SITs 60+ questions.

It is interesting to read full answers to Outlook’s questions and Myth busters given on

This so-called questionnaire of Outlook has unearthed the role of Indian Media and its credibility. Role of Indian Media in Nation Building and raising the pitch for issues of National interest is yet to be testified. Indian Media is running behind the so called activists like Medha Patkar and Teesta Setalvad which are existent only on foreign funds to destabilize Indian National interest and India’s development. A lobby of Media and foreign funded NGOs started a hate campaign against Modi and entire Hindu organizations.

The recent example is of CNN IBN’s Rajdeep Sardesai, who, after 10 years of Gujarat riots visited Gujarat to uncover the wounds of both Hindu and Muslim communities in Gujarat. This was again an effort to make the fire burning and make the wounds open. He tried hard demeaning the claim of Gujarat Government of a vibrant and peaceful Gujarat and importantly the Sadbhavana Yatra of Narendra Modi after the Supreme Court literally gave clean chit to him in the most infamous and suspicious ‘Best Bakery case’.

Interestingly funding agencies of Indian Media were disclosed by some awaken Indians. The Information about ‘Who owns major Indian Media’, was famous in netizen but its source was not disclosed but notably, no Media house denied this information.

The Nation knows that both Rajdeep Sardesai and Bharkha Dutt were then working for NDTV, did their ‘jobs’ very faithfully and not a single Hindu family was interviewed or shown on TV whose near and dear ones had been burnt alive, as it is reported.

Notably Rajdeep’s same exercise continues in 2012 also. In his blog post ‘Modi’s ‘Sadbhavana’ and the horror of 2002’ on CNN IBN, Rajdeep writes, “Step away from the bright lights, and the question has Gujarat really moved on acquires another dimension. In Godhra’s Signal Falia basti where most of the accused in the train burning incident lived, the young tell me they are jobless because no one will give employment to Muslim youth with Signal Falia as the address. The fact that a majority of those who were arrested have since been acquitted has only added to their sense of grievance at being labeled ‘terrorists.” In an effort to make the views balanced, he further adds one line, “Families of kar sevaks who were charred to death, are equally emphatic: no mercy must be shown.”

That’s why Senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley has a given a stern message for Indian Media. In his interview published on NDTV on 28 February, Jaitley says, “The guilty must be punished but the attempt at media trials and manufacturing of evidence must end. Harmony and growth will be the best healers. The future road map of Gujarat will be a battle between those who want Gujarat to be caught in the time frame of 2002 and those who believe that this century promises to be the one of Gujarat’s. Gujarat has now to overcome the challenge of this negative energy.”

The groups myth buster attempt of initiating clearly suggest that, Indian citizens and netizens are now fed up of the false, stigmatizing, antinational and dishonest reporting by a section of Indian Media.

Now as the Citizen are becoming Journalist for the betterment of cause of Indian National Interest. Do the Media Czars are getting the clear message?

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